No Sky's Next Sky: Should we do it again?


No Man's Sky is back and bursting with new opportunities following the release of the next update. For the first time, you can get into missions or hang out around the stars with friends. You can all relax and plan missions from the deck of your ship and command a fleet of IA battleships if a gang of space pirates are trying to loot your chests. New types of planets and revised visuals add a layer of freshness to all of this. If you thought NMS was wonderful before, get ready to be amazed again.

If you're like me, there's no question that you should go back or not, but rather continue to play your backup or start over. There is not a single correct answer, and my reasoning may seem frivolous depending on how you play and what your ultimate goals are, but judging by my experiences this week, taking a step back is not as detrimental as you could

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No matter what you hope to accomplish, there is a good chance that if you have not played At No Man's Sky for a while you will be troubled by the reworked resources and their associated survival systems. At the start of my PS4 backup, with dozens of hours late and millions of units waiting to be spent, I immediately had a hard time understanding what was added at play in the last two years. I had a boat that I loved. I've had good equipment and a good cash flow to establish a new life among the stars. But I missed the most important thing: an idea.

It was at that time that I considered putting the past behind me. By starting again, it would give me the opportunity to familiarize myself with the new rules and new systems of the game. It is, after all, the journey rather than the destination. I thought of transferring my wealth to a friend and recovering it after starting a new game to ease the blow, but it was like deceiving me from all the experience. I gave myself a concession: I was recovering an existing backup on PC that had been put in place right after the acquisition of Warp Drive, one of the first milestones of the game. It would save me an hour of tutorialized quest and would put me at the beginning of the two main quest lines of the game, both of which provide a structure and advanced instruction.

Starting my immature PC backup was a little demoralizing at first, but this momentary doubt quickly gave way once a couple of friends loaded in. In that moment, No Man's Sky was less about my trip and more about reveling in the splendor of it all with a couple of wacky partners. No Man's Sky is not a humorous game, but it can be with good friends. Light jokes do a lot to make activities less inspiring, like harvesting resources, much more enjoyable.

After a few minutes of questions and answers with my classmates, I did not take long to feel confident in understanding the redesigned systems of No Man's Sky. I knew where to find the materials I wanted and how to turn them into fuel for my ship and the energy for my survival gear – the most basic and critical skills to master.

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It was at that time that it hit me: I would really like to have all my new old stuff. I was there, confident in my ability to operate according to new instructions but without showing anything for my otherwise expansive experience. I could go back to my backup of the PS4 and leave my friends behind but committing to doing it would cut me off from one of the things that made my time in No Man's Sky so nice in the first place. Honestly, I can not choose between my kickass starter on PS4 and some PC knuckleheads as they bring different things to the table. But one thing is certain: starting over again has allowed me to acquire the knowledge necessary for my old backup to be useful.

No Man's Sky is a platform that can be used for many different things, and it's more true than ever before. the addition of multiplayer. The question of whether or not you should start a new backup is quite personal, and in my case, I simply found a temporary return to square one to be worth it. If you already have No Man's Sky and are wondering if you should do it again, know that you'll do much better at equipping yourself with the knowledge you need to succeed in the long run than assuming you're back to where you are. were arrested. Years ago is giving No Man's Sky Next a fair shot.

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