Tor Project Launches Official Mobile Browser for Android – TechCrunch


Tor Project, the group behind the anonymous browser Tor, has released an alpha version of its own anonymous browser for Android.

Following this publication, Orfox, the long-time Tor project Approved navigation app for Android, said that it will be in the 2019 horizon. To run both applications, users will also need to download the project proxy application Tor, Orbot.

The Tor Project anonymous browser uses a decentralized relay system that returns a user's data to anonymize Internet activity. This makes it almost impossible to track ads, tracking trackers, and even government monitoring on the Web. While Tor is often associated with the sale of illicit drugs or weapons on the dark web, the browser is also a haven for political dissidents, journalists and just browsers who prefer to remain anonymous.

This release comes a few days after the launch of Tor Browser 8.0 by Tor Project, based on Firefox's Quantum 2017 browser structure. The main updates include a new user, a welcome and integration page, increased language support and improved bridging methods to allow users to access the browser in the countries. where Tor is forbidden – like Turkey.

Although the service is considered the gold standard for anonymous navigation, there are still vulnerabilities. Federal investigators can access and identify users through security breaches in the browser itself. It remains to be seen if Firefox Quantum will be secure for Tor 8.0, but it would be wise to follow Tor's guidelines to better protect their anonymity, just in case.

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