Apple wants to join a new subscription service


By Mikey Campbell
Friday, September 07, 2018, 02:33 pm PT (05:33 pm ET)

Following rumors that the company is interested in the distribution of business with its own curated subscription service, a report on Friday.


Citing sources familiar with the matter, Recode reports Apple earlier this summer New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post to an as-yet-unnamed subscription service rumored to debut sometime in 2019.

Apple's food chain, with the help of Eddy Cue, involved in the ongoing negotiations. Whether the talks will be successful, the goal is to have a good reputation for success.

Apple is widely rumored to be developing a news subscription service on the backbone of digital content distribution app Texture, the so-called "Netflix of magazines" that the tech giants market earlier this year. Apple wishes to sell the content of the product, but rumblings suggest.

Texture, for example, user charges $ 9.99 fee to access more than 200 magazines. In contrast, readers have to shell out $ 10 Washington Post online, $ 15 a month for The Times and $ 37 a month for The Journal. The papers offer gated access, meaning readers can view certain stories for free, usually restricted to a monthly limit.

According to one of the following, the content bundling is a sticking point for papers. Some believe one-to-one NYT and other major papers, adds value to the overall product. Being part of a bundle takes away some of that shine, and is likely to come back depending on Apple's proposed terms. Further, papers would be held to Apple's whims, and they would have dropped out of a bundle at any given time, the person said.

As noted by Recode, however, Apple's reach is extending that of any single publication. Fueled by continued demand for iPhone, Apple's user base has grown to 1.3 billion active devices in February.

In addition to a beefed-up Apple News service, which would presumably see Texture integration, Apple is Apple, Apple News and a slate of original video content currently in development by Worldwide Video division.

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