Apple plans to add major newspapers to the magazine subscription service scheduled for 2019


We know that Apple expects to increase its service revenues from $ 30 billion last year to $ 50 billion by 2021. One of the ways to get there is to. offer a subscription service to ezines. You may remember that in March, Apple had bought Texture, known as "Netflix of magazine publishing". Texture subscribers pay $ 9.99 per month for unlimited access to a library of about 200 magazines.
The following month, Apple considered combining Texture into a new service that would sell content to subscribers using the same fully readable monthly rate. The new service is expected to start next year. And he could just offer content from big dailies like the New York Times, the the Wall Street newspaper and the Washington Post. All three would have talked to Apple earlier this summer about their participation in Apple's new venture.

But a leader who is familiar with these discussions pours cold water on the idea. He says that subscriptions directly between a content provider and a subscriber, similar to how the the Wall Street newspaper and New York Times selling their services online is the preferred method for these publications, as opposed to bundling content. Especially since these newspapers sell monthly subscriptions for 15 dollars (NY Times) and 37 dollars (WSJ). In addition, they might be afraid of having to deal with Apple's demands.

On the other hand, Apple has an extensive platform of iPhone users, more than 1.3 billion at the last count, and with senior executives such as SVP Internet software and Eddy Cue's services involved in the negotiations, anything could happen. Regardless of whether Apple is having these newspapers sign on the dotted line, it seems that Apple will be looking to combine Texture with Apple News to offer consumers a wide range of magazines and newspapers at a low monthly price.

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