Heads of Topping and Climbing Big Zeus Naked in Assassin's Creed Odyssey


I realized that Odyssey had a devious sense of humor when I found myself climbing Zeus's wang to sync with my Greek island house. A vast statue of the god dominates Kephallonia, ready to launch a huge flash of stone in the small towns below. As I synchronized the view turned majestically around the naked god and the vibrant islands that make up his kingdom. What a magnificent view

From that moment on, the fat nude Zeus served as a quick point of passage as I followed the main quest on a boat (offshore navigation is back!) And on the mainland. I spent eight hours exploring two neighborhoods of this huge world map, which stretches from Kephallonia to Lesbos. In most cases, Odyssey is a repetition of Origins. The zones are leveled and the game is structured like an RPG with experience rewards and lots of very admirable loot.

Odyssey is much faster than Origins, but if you found the restrictive level limitation requirements in Origins, Odyssey has the same problems. During the last hour of the demo, I struggled to extract enough XP to ramp up and fight hard at the end of the demo story. However, the parallel activities are more varied thanks to the inclusion of bounty hunters, who pursue you through the map if you make a lot of crimes, and to more dynamic regional power systems that allow you to steal and steal. Murder the local leaders.

The addition of dialogue choices allowed me to stay behind the scenes more effectively than passive cinematics, and your avatar, whether you choose Alexios or Kassandra, is very entertaining. I can not think of many RPG heroes who would place an important quest object in the ass of a goat just to annoy a person, for example. In many situations, you have the choice to behave as an imprudent and bloodthirsty warrior or to adopt a more measured approach. At one point, Kassandra lost patience with the attitude of a quest giver and shouted, "I'm going to kill the bandits and get your fucking wood!" And the NPC went back in fear.

I can not think of many RPG heroes who would fill an important quest object in the ass of a goat just to annoy someone.

The problem is that you still have to go get the wood. Secondary missions give you at least the opportunity to define a little more your hero. During a quest, I found a group of huddled civilians hiding from the Spartan or local Athenian conflict. I had the choice to save them or kill them for stealing Spartan food reserves.

Ubisoft says your attitude and decisions will change the course of your avatar's personality in a hidden way. The conversation options seemed to measure your attitudes towards violence and your relationships with the gods. In one of the first missions, you can choose to hide in a crack behind a statue and claim to be the voice of this god to deceive a faithful. Regularly having small moments of choice like this illuminates the side quests a lot. You do not have a suite of conversation options at the Bioware level, but Odyssey is on par with The Witcher 3 for dialogue choice, and towards the end of the demo, Odyssey has created critical points . I can not speak much about the history but it is a strong opening that propels you in the war between Sparta and Athens, and the ambition and thirst for adventure of Alexios / Kassandra are contagious.

The world is incredibly beautiful, even on the battlefield. You have a magic eagle again and he does everything he can do in Origins: find the criminals, find goals and give you a peaceful overview. Instead of the landmass Origins, Odyssey is divided into islands and you can navigate between them in a large boat filled with warriors. The format is similar to that of the black flag, except that to match the period during which you shoot javelins and arrow bursts rather than cannons. The ships are smaller but the battles are still intense, and you can pick up enemy ships in half and watch enemy soldiers feed on sharks. Also, strangely, you can knock out any soldier in the world and recruit them into your team.

Between hiring ships, bounty hunters and regional leaders, you have more choices about how you spend time. Bounty hunters have strength and weakness characteristics, such as Orcs in the shadow of Mordor, and killing them allows you to gain experience and quality weapons. It's better to run away from the upper-level bounty hunters – enemies, even a level above you, can cause serious problems – but as soon as you get strong enough, you can locate their position on the world map and track them down. If you want to take a break from search quests and story missions, you can commit crimes, increase the bonus on your head and see which mercenaries are following you.

The regional manager played a vital role in opening hours and it seems that the system applies to all sectors of the world. The head of each region is locked in a heavily guarded fortress. Breaking down forts, burning supplies, stealing their war chest and murdering lieutenants reduces their power. As their power diminishes, their bodyguard begins to disappear and they become more exposed.

Of course, if their level is higher than you, you still can not murder them as you would in Assassin's Creed pre-origins. The fight is rather fun, though. You can not block, but you can ward off and avoid attacks. The dodges and basic slashes still seem clumsy, but the special movements to unlock are excellent. I leaned on a superb disarming shield that blocks the enemy's shield and then hits it so hard that the shield flies 20 feet into the air and rushes off. He also makes a brilliant spang sound.

All in all, Odyssey is a slight evolution on Origins. I still do not like the severe limitation of the level, but I am willing to endure this to explore this amazing vision of ancient Greece and see Kassandra intimidate the intimidated peasants. You too can scale to Zeus' powerful abs when Assassin's Creed: Odyssey will be released on October 5th.

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