Call of Duty: The Blackout battle mode of Black Ops 4 is both accessible and fun


It is the time of confession. I am terrible at the battlefields of Fortnite and PlayerUnknown. But I'm better at Call of Duty: The Blackout Battle Mode of Black Ops 4. I tried the closed beta of the PlayStation 4 yesterday, Activision and Treyarch started testing their highly anticipated fashion from the last part of the game Call of Duty this year.

I do not really know why, but Call of Duty feels better. The guns are familiar and I can not jump everywhere like at Fortnite. Indeed, with Fortnite, you must master the construction of wooden fortresses and jump to avoid enemies to one kilometer. And with PUBG, I had a terrible time hitting with guns in this game, and I've never really invested a lot of time. It was very difficult for the Royal Battle Games to shoot me from Call of Duty.

But with Blackout, I have natural affinities. I've been playing Call of Duty since it was released, and in recent years, I've been playing it on the PS4, which receives the content first. I've also played quite a bit of multiplayer beta with Black Ops 4 last month. This has prepared me for Blackout, who has the same weapons and weapons. So when I took a rifle in Blackout, I already knew how to shoot it. I could focus on a target, spray fire, and pull the trigger until the target reticle turns red. You can see my gameplay of the past day in the videos of this article.

Admittedly, I'm always a bad shot and in the grand scheme, I'm probably in the bottom third in terms of skill and speed. I am very bad with sniper weapons, but I have a chance when I have a light machine gun or an assault rifle in my hands. If someone has their backs turned to me, well, I can usually get them off without them making the embarrassing gesture of turning and shooting me. I also recognize a lot of objects, land and building types on the map, about 1,500 times the size of the Call of Duty: Black Ops Nuketown map.

And so, for this royal battle, I have a chance to fight. At the beginning of the game, 80 players jump helicopters and parachute on the map. I usually wait a few moments before jumping, to avoid the places invaded by other players. To isolate more, I avoid landing near large buildings or complexes, and try to move as much as possible by jumping. But I do not try to jump to the edge of the map, because it can really bother you when the world starts to shrink.

So yes, Treyarch designed Blackout in a way that mimics other royal battle games and steals some of their best ideas. As with other games, you have to play inside a circle smaller and smaller. Otherwise, outside the circle, you take damage and eventually die. So, you must pay attention to warnings about where the circle will shrink, and you will eventually have to head to the center.

If I am isolated, I can spend more time methodically collecting health, ammunition, equipment and firearms. It's always a little tense when you land and you do not have a weapon. You must enter buildings, scrounge a gun and be ready for an enemy to appear at any time. You take the craft, but if you stay too focused on this task, you will not see an enemy reach you.

The mini-map is useful for you to see where the circle will shrink. You can place a waypoint in the center of the circle so you can see it at any time on your head-up display. Then you can go to him when you are on the run. I try to go to the center of the circle, to hide there and wait. It takes patience and most players prefer to jump into battle. But once you pull, you give your position. And one of the many other players can get closer to you.

Call of Duty: Blackout mode of Black Ops 4.

Above: Call of Duty: The Blackout Mode of Black Ops 4.

Image credit: Activision

So I find a place to camp and stay. Of course, this kind of chicken, but I want a chicken dinner. At least I do not hide in the bathrooms and see if I can win while everyone else is shooting at each other. I look around paralytically and then try to blow up the soldiers who are still running to stay in the shrinking circle. In the end, it boils down to an individual duel. And whoever gets the drop on the other usually wins.

Above all, I'm losing this last battle. But I have already tasted the victory. I arrived at number two, as you can see in the top video. I was also killed when there were only 4, 5, 6 or 14 players left. Sure, I was also beaten to death with someone's fists at number 70, and I had a lot of dead when I landed. But the game is charging fast enough and takes you quickly into the game. Up to now, I'm having a lot of fun. It is a very tense game once the number of survivors reaches a handful.

Activision has the jump on Electronic Arts, which propelled its debut Battlefield V to November 20, while Call of Duty will be released on October 12. This means that Activision will start training players to become dependent on Blackout, which could be decisive. I am already addicted to this royal battle mode, and if I invested enough time to play it, it will be difficult to stand out.

Of course, the graphics in this game absolutely do not look like Activision screen captures. Well, at least not on the PlayStation 4 on which I played. Maybe they look good on a high-end PC, but this version is not yet available.

In the end, I must say that this Blackout mode is accessible. And yes, it's still Call of Duty, which has one of the most difficult fan bases in the gaming field. But the Blackout mode is surprisingly easy to handle. I am looking forward to playing a lot more.

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