Twitch hires diversity and inclusion manager – TechCrunch


Tic, The streaming platform owned by Amazon, has introduced its first head of diversity and inclusion, as well as a new chief financial officer and head of human resources.

Katrina Jones, Beginning next month as Diversity and Integration Leader at Twitch, is the former Diversity Officer at Vimeo. At Vimeo, Jones created the company's diversity strategy and worked on disrupting stigma and promoting inclusion.

Meanwhile, Michelle Weaver and Sudarshana Rangachary are respectively CFO and CHRO.

On the diversity and inclusion front, Twitch has a history of difficulties. The platform itself, for example, was named in 2015 to be predominantly white and masculine.

In 2016, Twitch hosted a panel at its annual conference entitled "Diversify Twitch". It did not work out well for Twitch because his African-American panelists were victims of racism, insults and insults. Last year, Twitch organized a site-wide "vacation" to celebrate diversity and inclusion on its feeds, chats, apps and community.

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