
Playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 New Royal Battle Mode Blackout is both familiar and strange for anyone in the genre. The game is shared between a frantic shooter and a methodical movement. I had a lot of fun with it, but its fast pace does not match the battle experience I'm used to.
There are two kinds of people playing Blackout: people who are good at Call of Duty and people who have experience with the royal battle. The first group runs recklessly, making noise and taking surprising risks. Sometimes this makes them easy targets, but their skill can cash in on any checking of their risk taking. Playing against these enemies is among the funniest I've had in a royal battle. They can be flanked or trapped in exposed positions as well as underestimated and trained in a quick draw that you can not win.
Players familiar with the Royal Battle and the more cautious pace of games like Battlefields of PlayerUnknown can leverage their meta-game knowledge into another type of advantage. If you see someone who is playing at the edge of the circle or lounging near a rock, you can tell he's played a royal battle or three. But their assumptions about how a royal battle should flow will inevitably explode in their face if they reach the top ten, where aggressive player tendencies make the position play difficult. These players invariably last longer than their peers, but they are still in a period of adjustment.
Blackout's faster pace and cleaner rifle avoids some of the roughness that initially defined the genre with PUBGfor good and for bad. Close combat shines, while snipes and long distance ambushes are rarer. Things are less deliberate, which removes some complexity. He has the same fast play environment as Fortnite and the same military fetishism that PUBG, which means that although it's a familiar experience, I still do not think we've seen a real alternative to PUBG in terms of stimulation.
Part of this has to do with how Blackout handles inventory. On the one hand, it simplifies the customization of the weapon by attaching modifications and optics as soon as you take them. The other, the inventory itself is a mess and can make it difficult, like using a better medical kit. The result is that you just store everything. It encourages some sort of scrambling from one place to another as you move around like the most armored room in the world. It attracts players against each other much more quickly, drawing them to the hub's key locations far after their initial fall – filling the rhythm of the game in the middle of the game with alarming speed.

Kotaku Play Journal
Daily thoughts of one Kotaku a staff member about a game we play
Blackout was a lot of fun, but adapted to it as someone who played a lot of battle realms – including an embarrassing time in Radical heights-Was a very strange experience. It is a fast-paced game that beats requirements, which also features a frantic pace and an aggressive player base that is refreshing.
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