Twitch Updates Security of TwitchCon Event Following Shooting of Jacksonville Esports – TechCrunch


Tic announces today changes to its security procedures for its TwitchCon event taking place in San Jose, California, October 26-28. The update follows news of a tragic shooting incident at a sporting event in Jacksonville, Florida, last month, in which three people, including the gunman, were killed and 11 wounded. Twitch said he will review his procedures accordingly and will soon have more information on what he is doing to keep participants safe.

Today, the company has shared these plans.

According to Twitch, he works with local police forces in San Jose, congressional staff and additional security services on the event.

The conference will include search bags and screenings at designated entry points, and participants will be limited to wearing only one bag.

The bag must not exceed 12 "x 15" x 6 ".

Backpacks, luggage, big bags and bulky clothing will not be allowed. In addition, backpacks acquired at the show – even those with the Twitch brand – will not be eligible for reinstatement. There will be an on-site bag check available, but the company suggests that larger bags be left at home as space will be limited.

It is said that small banana bags or transparent bags will help participants to pass security checkpoints more quickly.

In the meantime, exhibitors will only be allowed to carry their products and exhibition materials in oversized bags and rolls by 8 am. Thus, there will be no way to bring big bags during the event.

The press will also have to wear its press badge, and teams that have to carry their large photographic equipment will have to be approved.

Of course, the event also has a policy of no weapons and anyone in violation will be withdrawn without refund.

Badges must be worn at all times and a piece of identification or a passport must also be available.

At first glance, the updated procedures do not seem very different from Twitch's old rules.

The company's security plan prior to Jacksonville also included searching bags, handheld or pocket scanners, using uniformed guards, identity checks, and badges.

The biggest change to the record seems to be the ban on backpacks.

However, we understand that the reference to Twitch's closer work with law enforcement and "additional security services" refers to other changes that may not have been fully detailed. (We think this is likely because Twitch does not want to provide too much information to anyone trying to circumvent its security procedures.)

TwitchCon's annual event brings the Twitch community together to play games, watch live sporting events, participate in hackathons and cosplay contests, attend sessions and listen to news about the game streaming service. direct.

Last fall, for example, Twitch unveiled a new set of tools at TwitchCon that would allow creators to earn money through their online channels.

However, many TwitchCon attendees attended the Jacksonville events. concerned sure security of events.

After all, the video game competition at the GLHF Game Bar in Jacksonville, Fla., Was broadcast live on Twitch during filming. Would an imitator try to enter the Twitch conference?

According to reports, the Florida shooter had been upset to lose two Madden games earlier in the tournament, even refusing to shake hands with the winner after a match. Despite a history of mental illness, the shooter was able to legally acquire his weapons. We do not know how he got them into the Jacksonville bar.

Unfortunately, mass shootings in the United States took place in schools, cinemas, churches, concerts, workplaces – even on YouTube – and elsewhere. But they had not been produced before an event of esports.

The tragic event drew attention to the sports industry as a whole, which is still outside the public interest, despite the fact that Twitch has more than 2 million broadcasters and 15 million viewers watching every day.

Shortly after the tragedy, Twitch said it would bring changes.

"Security at TwitchCon is our top priority and it's something we take very seriously at all our events," the company told TechCrunch in August. "We regularly review and analyze our policies and approach to provide a positive and secure experience for staff, participants and exhibitors. As a result of yesterday's tragedy, we will review our plans and update them accordingly, "said a spokesman at the time.

Updated plans for TwitchCon are detailed on Twitch's blog and FAQ.

Image credit: Twitch

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