Vampire facials may have exposed people to HIV


Many of us are tempted to try these unusual beauty fads and treatments in hopes of finally finding the magic secret of perfect skin – and that new technologies and innovative formulas surface faster than we can even to follow, the question of whether they are safe (let alone work) can get lost in the mix. The social media favorite, the "vampire face", sampled by stars and influencers, including Kim Kardashian, connoisseur of beauty care, is now under investigation after a spa patient's infection in Mexico.

The New Mexico Department of Health announced Tuesday that a former client of the "VIP Spa" located in Albuquerque had developed the infection and that health officials thought it was coming from the Spa treatment. The ministry is now urging all former New Mexico spa clients to be screened as soon as possible for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

"It is very important that anyone who has received a facelift or other vampire injection service at the VIP Spa in May or June 2018 goes to the Midtown Public Health Office for free lab tests and advice. and confidential, "Lynn Gallagher, cabinet secretary for the New Mexico Department of Health, said in a statement.

There are essentially four main steps in bloody treatment: taking vials of blood from the arm, centrifugally extracting the protein-rich plasma from the blood cells, applying the plasma evenly to the face, and finally, using a micro-needling technique to pierce the blood. blood. skin to inject plasma into the face with tiny needles. Why would anyone want to do that? Well, it is thought that it is for you to "look younger" by stimulating the growth of collagen in the face, but there is no evidence that this procedure has anti-aging benefits.

According to KOAT-TV, the spa's owner, Luly Ruiz, would not have been allowed to execute the procedure and has since received a cessation letter to immediately stop his activities. Ruiz responded to the allegations by saying: "I open them [the disposable needles] in front of my clients whenever they come. I want everyone to be safe, everyone is happy and know they have nothing. The facility is currently closed, with only a note at the door explaining that the spa is closed due to a "family emergency". "and all appointments will be canceled for the rest of the week.

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