Apple Watch, AirPods and other Apple products will be exempted from Chinese tariffs


Apple Watch, AirPods and some other Apple products will be exempted from a proposed $ 200 billion tariff on Chinese products, reports Bloomberg.

An updated list of products affected by the rates is expected to be released today and will not include product categories covering Apple Watch, AirPods and other smart watches and fitness trackers. Five separate sources confirmed Bloomberg that the Trump administration will exempt many Apple products.

The product code covers wireless devices and was included in a preliminary list published by the administration in July. Other Apple products under this code include the HomePod speaker, BeatsWL headphones, and AirPort and Time Capsule Internet routers. The value of these imports from China is about $ 12 billion, according to one of the people.

A preliminary price list released early this year included wireless devices such as AirPods and Apple Watch, and Apple announced in early September that many of its products would be affected.

Apple sent a letter to the Trump administration asking it not to apply the tariffs that would affect Apple products, asking the government to find rather "more effective" solutions. Apple said tariff implementation would result in lower US growth and competitiveness, as well as higher prices for US consumers.

In July, Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, commented on the rates, saying that Apple was "optimistic", the problem being solved, the company hoping to "have peace of mind".

This fourth round of tariffs will cover $ 200 billion of Chinese goods and will add to several other tariffs already applied to products such as steel, aluminum and billions of dollars of goods.

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