Pixel 3 is supposed to be available for pre-order from a third party in China even before Google has announced it


The next phone Pixel 3 Google has just appeared on an online store.

… well, on the website of a third-party Chinese online retailer who even admits in the store's list that the article is not yet available.

Yet, the listing on JD.com, a popular Chinese Internet shop, gives us some interesting new information.

According to AndroidHeadlines, while the images from Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL have already been leaked online, the image displayed on the store's list could be our very first look at both colors, black and white, side to side. coast, without any phone case blocking the full view of Google's latest Android offer.

<img class = "" data-credit-name = "JD.com"data-credit-provider =" custom type "data-caption =" An image of Google Pixel 3 as it appears on its JD list. "title =" An image of Google Pixel 3 as it appears on its JD file. "=" https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/ZLd3LOPYKW5bRjs6qqQdNgeLFAA=/fit-in/1200×9600/https%3A%2F%2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fuploads%2Fcard%2Fimage%2F849277% 2Ff9d01411 -2377-4436-a167-8b2b353d8549.png "alt =" An image of the Google Pixel 3 seen on his JD file. "Data-fragment =" m! 33eb "data-image =" https: //i.amz .mshcdn.com/7bhRVAHJr0ozxxLbpIeyLLt4PmQ = / https% 3A% 2F% 2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com% 2Fuploads% 2Fcard% 2Fimage% 2F849277% 2Ff9d01411- 2377-4436-a167-8b2b353d8549.png "data-micro =" 1 "/>

An image of Google Pixel 3 as it appears on its JD list.

The list does not provide too much specifications in terms of specifications for the new Pixel 3 phone. In the images, one can see a double selfie camera and a better view of the notch of the Pixel 3 XL, ridiculed online.

The Pixel 3 is listed with a sale price of 4,999 yuan, or 729 dollars, on the site. However, it should be noted that pricing before the date of publication on a third party list is not an accurate barometer of the destination of the retail price.

In fact, AndroidHeadlines highlights how the listing on a Chinese retailer's website is surprising, since Google has never sold its line of Pixel or Nexus phones in China before. Yet he is on the JD store, available on the Chinese market for pre-order.

<img class = "" data-credit-name = "JD.com"data-credit-provider =" custom type "data-caption =" A screenshot of the Google Pixel 3 listing on JD.com. "title =" A screenshot of the Google Pixel 3 listing on JD.com. "src =" https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/r3H239ORU5WxefB2sCYvyC83d6w=/fit-in/1200×9600/https%3A%2F%2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fuploads%2Fcard%2Fimage%2F849275 % 2Fae7a7c70-7111 -4006-a774-33e60eb7cda0.png "alt =" A screenshot of the Google Pixel 3 listing on JD.com. "Data-fragment =" m! 8dcb "data-image =" https: //i.amz.mshcdn. com / P8gg29X1lddQryS_6C1vDU1GWEk = / https% 3A% 2F% 2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com% 2Fuploads% 2Fcard% 2Fimage% 2F849275% 2Fae7a7c70-7111-4006-a774-33e60eb7cda0.png "data-micro =" 1 " />

A screenshot of the Google Pixel 3 listing on JD.com.

Let speculation begin as to whether Google's attempts to re-enter the Chinese market go beyond a Chinese government search engine application that favors censorship.

Google will probably officially unveil the new line of Pixel 3 phones at the event announced on October 9 in New York. The company will begin accepting official pre-orders for the phone soon after.

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