Apple Fan makes an iPhone XS fall test at the Sydney Opera House


Apple's iPhone XS went on sale Friday in stores and a particularly enthusiastic fan of Apple was mad to try his new phone: throwing him on the steps of the Sydney Opera House for an ultimate drop test.

The members of the Mous team, a smartphone business company, were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the phone in Sydney, to be among the first to try the new phone – and to ensure the durability of their covers for the new ones. models, a test drive. . Team members camped outside the store to ensure that they would receive iPhones as soon as they were available.

After the phones were purchased and placed in their soft blankets, the team members tested them by throwing the phones in the air and using them to drive nails into a piece of wood; However, the real test appeared when they went to the Sydney Opera House, where they threw the phone on the 40 steps leading to the Opera, a total distance of about 30 feet. escaped unscathed.

Watch the full video below.

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