This new Pokemon supposed to look a little crazy


# 891

We may have had an accidental glimpse of the new Pokémon that will debut in Let's go Pikachu and Let's go Eevee Later this year. I will not lie: I feel like the kid, too young, who could not stop going down at night to see his parents watching Freddy. I have seen too much!

The apparent leak comes from @Chrales, who spotted a pair of remarkable icons in Pokemon Go. He says "it's labeled as Kecleon in Pokemon Go but the Unity files are marked with Pokémon 891. "

You may have clicked on this article out of curiosity, but now you have doubts. If so, well, it's just me who buys you time. Do not scroll further if you do not want to see the new strange Pokemon.

And here it is:

(Note: The image in the built-in tweet may look distorted. You may need to click.)

So here is. If it 's about a real design, I can not wait to read the description of the game of the creature. If for some reason it's not a real Pokemon, at least the fan community will have a lot of fun.

@Chrales [Twitter]

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