Google Maps now on Apple CarPlay and it's pretty simple


Before being disconnected Tuesday night, Apple approved a new version of the Google Maps for iOS app that added CarPlay support. It's something I had been waiting for since March 2016, when I had my new car with Apple CarPlay. Now that it's out, I'm happy but a little disappointed.

I installed it and I came back from my work using it. While it was the first time I used Google Maps with the new CarPlay UI, it lacked a bit of what Apple Maps has. I think it will take time for Google Maps to learn and improve, but it lacks some features that I would like to see.

The main thing that fascinates me is the search feature – I can not tell you how often I use Apple Maps and try to find a location using a keyword search and this simply fails. Google Maps is not only more efficient at finding placements based on keyword search, but I also think it will allow me to get to the right place. Apple Maps has always sent me to a place that existed two years ago but is no longer there. 🙁

I want Google Maps to predict my trip, just like Apple Maps, when I get in the car. And tell me immediately how long it will take to go home or work. I think this will do it over time, I think I've seen screen shots of Google Maps on CarPlay. I'm just surprised it does not do it for me. Maybe because I am a Google Apps Suite user?

I, too, who had the mode of view together, so I can just see a glimpse of the trip as I drive and do not turn the navigation in turn. It's something that Apple Maps has. I love using preview mode when I drive in a place where I know where I am going. Just so that I can see the traffic and the slowdowns before my arrival. In addition, I love the ETA overview in the Apple Maps overview view mode.

Here are some screenshots of my driving with Google Maps on Carplay:

Here are the parameters:

Honestly, not that much – but it works. I suspect that Google will quickly release small updates to make it faster with Apple Maps and quickly exceed it. I'm also looking forward to trying Waze, when it will be released.

I'm a big card user when I'm in the car – so I'm looking forward to trying them all.

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