Red Dead Redemption 2: new gameplay details, first-person, online and more


The release date of Red Dead Redemption 2 is fast approaching – it will be released on October 26 on PS4 and Xbox One (with a version for PC that may come later). With a launch of about a month, it was surprising that we still know very little about the game, beyond what we could draw from some old trailer and screenshots. All this has changed recently because the embargo has been lifted on a huge amount of information about the open world game of the Western world.

In fact, we were able to familiarize ourselves with the new Rockstar game and we learned a lot about what we should expect. Rockstar also shared the first real information about Red Dead Online, the multiplayer game that will only start in November. One of the things we do not know yet is the PS4 exclusives. Sony confirmed that something would happen, but we do not know what it is.

Whatever it is, as one can expect from a new Rockstar game in development for years, it is a detailed and deep game. And as a result, there is a lot to dig. More information will certainly be available between now and the launch, but below we have gathered all that we have come to learn about the game. For more information on the purchase, check out our Red Dead Redemption 2 pre-order guide.

We played Red Dead Redemption 2

A number of us at GameSpot recently had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the game. The demo lasted 90 minutes and included two missions, but we also discovered the open world itself. In addition to writing everything we saw, we collected all the new features, as well as the details that surprised us.

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Red Dead Redemption can be in the first person, allows you to extinguish the Hud

One of the many ways that Red Dead Redemption 2 follows the path established by Grand Theft Auto V is to add a new perspective. Although the third person remains the default, Rockstar has introduced the ability to navigate the world with a camera in the first person. In addition, those looking for a smaller gaming experience may choose to disable the hud.

You can swim, take selfies and drift on horseback

Like the GTA games of the past, Red Dead Redemption did not allow you to swim. But like the most recent in the series, the protagonist of Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan, is able to jump into the water – he cares little about it. In addition, Arthur puts his hand on a camera, which he can use to take pictures of the world or even himself for selfies of the old school. And when you're riding, you'll be able to do things like drifting to change direction.

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Composer Woody Jackson is back

If you were a fan of the music of the original Red Dead Redemption, you are in luck. RDR2 presents the return of composer Woody Jackson, and the soundtrack of the game remains pretty good.

You can lose your hat

In what is obviously the most important news to be published as part of this embargo, there is the word that you can lose your hat. If you want your hat to come back, you will have to guide Arthur to where he was lost. Alternatively, you can take someone's hat off. This has been your Hat Update.

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Animal skin is much more rude

Red Dead Redemption had a distinct kinematics that would be played every time you would skin an animal, but that did not mean watching the animal be cut. The RDR2 takes a different and much more intense path.

New screen captures

In addition to all this information, Rockstar has shared new screenshots of the game. In addition to the videos and screens we have recently received, these offer another insight into what you can expect from the game. game world

Red Dead Online: beta version and deferred version

Just before this information was released, Rockstar actually shared the first details about the online component of the game, called Red Dead Online. As with GTA V and GTA Online, Red Dead Online will not be launched at the same time as the game. Instead, it will hit in November – and even then, only in the form of a beta. Rockstar has warned players in advance that they may encounter some difficulties, with GTA Online learning that launching a mode of this magnitude will never be a problem.

If you are a fan of GTA Online, you do not have to worry. Rockstar has reaffirmed that it will continue to support this game. In fact, it is even planning to display the release of updates for it and Red Dead Online in order to avoid too much overlap.

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