With the founders, Instagram is about to become Facebook 2.0 – BGR


If you are a fan of Instagram and hundreds of millions of you are, there are many reasons to worry about two resignations that came out of nowhere Monday night. an important new chapter for the largest social networking company on the planet.

Of course, we're talking about unexpected departures from Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, co-founders of Instagram, who made a brief statement on the news that is arguably more remarkable for what she does not say than what she does. .

Even before it came to this stage, Instagram was already becoming a much more crucial part of Facebook's portfolio of companies and services. People spent more time there. People still loved it, to such an extent that they did not like Facebook for years, if they had already done it. It has become a major driver of small business traffic. And when you consider stories, GIFs, stickers and new stuff added, it's clear that Instagram is still fun.

And even.

As all the things we just mentioned were happening, there was a compromise along the way. And this compromise implies the simplicity of the experience of the application, which is gradually being developed. It's not so long ago, this app has stopped being an app that made you shoot, take a picture, tap on a filter, share some comments and like, and then to finish. Which brings us to the news of last night.

It's hard not to worry that the sudden departures of Kevin and Mike mean that the app will slowly become a new version of the crowded, cumbersome and burger-filled Facebook app that you probably use now, if it happens.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal this was done before the announcement on Monday, Kevin makes it clear that he has no regrets about selling Instagram to Facebook in 2012. A detailed analysis of his statement and that of Mike about their resignation suggests however…. textured reality.

Here it is, in case you have not seen it yet:

"Mike and I have been grateful for eight years to Instagram and six years to the Facebook team. We have grown from 13 to more than 1,000 offices worldwide, while building products used and valued by a community of more than one billion people. We are now ready for our next chapter.

We plan to take some time to explore our curiosity and creativity again. Building new things requires us to step back, to understand what inspires us and what the world needs; that is what we intend to do.

We remain excited for the future of Instagram and Facebook in the coming years, as we move from the leader to two users out of a billion. We look forward to seeing what these innovative and extraordinary companies will do. "

You have nothing to do with the people you leave – in this case, there is no mention of Mark Zuckerberg or Sheryl Sandberg. Leaving something like this on a note of goodbye like that, Internal business notes, it's the equivalent of not returning the handshake of someone.

If you read some of the other tea leaves, this suggests minimal discontent behind the scenes. Kevin made some big speeches, suggesting that it was sudden. The note refers to the exploration of the couple's creativity "again", suggesting that this did not happen on Facebook, where one imagines that the focus is on user engagement and monetization opportunities .

Adam Mosseri, who was responsible for your favorite feature on Facebook (News Feed!), Has recently become Instagram's product manager.

All this being said, thankfully, the departure of Kevin and Mike does not announce a growing Facebookification of Instagram. But as we said from the beginning, there are many reasons to worry.

Source of the image: Simon Belcher / imageBROKER / REX / Shutterstock

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