The partnership between Castlevania Requiem and Sony in the Konami publication


castlevania requiem sony partnership

Like many of you, I'm excited about Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night and Blood Rondo, which was announced earlier today for the PlayStation 4, and goes out alongside Castlevania Season 2 on Netflix, October 26, 2018. As excited as I am, I was curious to know why this is a PlayStation 4 exclusive. That's not a problem, just strange! Castlevania: Symphony of the night is already a multiplatform game, as it is Rondo of Blood to a lesser extent. It seems that the answer seems to be mentioned in Konami's official press release.

We received this press release a few hours after the initial coverage of the ad, based on an earlier publication of the PlayStation blog. Although the note mentions the exclusivity of the PS4 and that "the two games are the emulated originals for the PlayStation 4, with several updates that take advantage of the new material", the nugget of Konami is much more interesting.

Fans of the game will relive timeless classics like never before thanks to KONAMI partnering with SIE Worldwide Studios to create these high quality ports.

Although there are many things in this sentence do not For example, it is easy to assume (like Gematsu did it on Twitter) that this deliberate mention of SIE Worldwide Studios suggests that Sony contributes in one way or another to the actual transfer / emulation. What is not obvious is the extent of this work, if any, and the share of Konami.

Anyway, then there is no reason to believe that these games will never be worn on platforms such as the PC or the Nintendo Switch (Symphony remains readable on Xbox One through 360 backward compatibility ) Castlevania Requiem The brand / title is a Sony exclusive for a very good reason.

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