California: 17 people charged with organized crime stole $ 1 million from Apple Stores – BGR


17 people have been charged with a series of robberies targeting Apple Stores across California, the State Attorney General said Friday. Thefts resulted in the loss of more than $ 1 million worth of iPhones, laptops and iPads in 19-county stores, the agency said.

Eight of the 17 suspects were arrested and placed in pre-trial detention, while arrest warrants were issued for the nine other suspects. The suspects are accused of conspiracy to commit a large robbery, thanks to the value of the items taken.

The "ploy" that the Attorney General alleges the suspects have imagined is not quite complicated: wearing hoodies, a group would enter an Apple Store and seize everything on the bulletin boards. A television segment of ABC7 shows the group in action and gives a schedule for some of the flights. According to ABC7, there have been at least 21 robberies this summer, sometimes striking the same store several times. Each trait yielded about $ 30,000 worth of stolen goods.

Although the value of stolen Apple products may be north of $ 1 million, it is likely that sales will have been much lower. Stolen iPhones are only valid for coins because they can be locked remotely and blacklisted from cellular networks, while stolen laptops will be limited in the Apple services that they can use.

"Organized retail theft costs millions of California business owners and exposes them to imitating criminals. In the end, consumers pay the cost of this diversion of goods, "said the attorney general in a statement. "We will continue our work with local law enforcement authorities to extinguish this popular mentality and prosecute these criminals to hold them accountable."

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