Google unveils game flow play project and tests begin soon with Assassin's Creed Odyssey


The gaming industry has not yet solved the problem of streaming video games. The tragedy of OnLive proved how difficult the problem was. The combination of a much higher number of inputs and a much lower tolerance for latency makes video streaming a much more ambitious game than video streaming.

If someone has the resources to tackle the problem, it's good Google. And that's exactly what the company does with the announcement of Project Stream.

In a blog post, Google described Project Stream as a "technical test" designed to "solve some of the biggest streaming challenges." To do this, Google has partnered with Ubisoft to broadcast Assassin's Creed Odyssey via the Google Chrome browser to desktops and laptops.

"The idea of ​​delivering content as rich in graphics that requires almost instant interaction between the game controller and the graphics on the screen poses a number of challenges," said Google. "When you stream TV shows or movies, consumers are comfortable with a few seconds buffering initially, but streaming high-quality games requires latency measured in milliseconds, with no degradation graphic. "

Google is currently looking for candidates to help them take the test. If you wish to participate, you must be over 17 years of age and live in the United States. If you fit this description, you can apply through the Project Stream website.

It should be noted that Google is not the only company to have recently returned to the challenge of streaming. Nvidia's GeForce Now technology is currently in beta testing, while this year, Blade has launched its Shadow app subscription, which allows you to run a powerful gaming PC directly to your computer (at a price of 34, $ 95 per month).

If Google is also involved, it seems that the idea has become more viable since the time of OnLive. You can watch a video of Project Stream in action below.

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