Deleting Facebook? You now have 30 days to change your mind


Facebook now gives users who decided to delete their accounts to 30-day grace their minds, the Verge reported. This is a 16-day increase over the previous 14.

A Facebook spokesman told the Verge that they made the change because some people have tried to log back into their accounts after 14 days are up. Facebook did not say what percentage of the people who actually did this, or when exactly this change was made.

"The spokesperson said.

Is there a reason to believe that Facebook's also making this change? The movement has certainly gotten a lot of attention in recent months, with WhatsApp cofounder Brian Acton encouraging his nearly 43,000 Twitter followers in March to delete Facebook.

Purpose Facebook's last earnings report does not give much indication that it is – the number of daily active users in the U.S. and Canada stayed flat, and even increased in Asia. The number of DAUs in Europe dropped by 4 million, but Facebook executives reported that they were mostly due to GDPR. Facebook followers will have to wait until the company's next earnings report on October 30 to see if the dip in Europe DAUs is part of a continuing trend.

For those who want to delete and are willing to wait 30 days, here's a step-by-step guide on how to do so.

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