The November PlayStation Plus games revealed surprisingly early


November PlayStation Plus

The PlayStation Plus lineup is still announced at the end of the month, but it looks like the November 2018 PlayStation Plus games have already been revealed via an announcement on the official PlayStation website (as indicated by @Nibel on Twitter). It seems that November will bring us Bulletstorm: Complete Clip Edition and Yakuza Kiwami.

Bulletstorm is a kind of cult classic. This first-person shooter focuses on style, with Skillshots being an important part of the gameplay. Bulletstorm was published in 2011, and Bulletstorm: Complete Clip Edition We brought a definitive game experience to the game in high resolution on the PlayStation 4 in 2017. As stated in our review, "Bulletstorm: Complete Clip Edition is a fun trip in the past. A bloody memory, violent and smooth.

Yakuza Kiwami is a remake of the original Yakuza game, originally released in 2016 for Japan and 2017 in the United States. Like most Yakuza Games Yakuza Kiwami was generally well received. This title gives modern players the chance to discover the original PS2 in a much more enjoyable way.

Overall, the theme of the November program seems to be high-resolution nostalgic travel and, honestly, it's rather exciting. For the most part, people just want quality games that they may not be used to and these two titles seem to fit the bill.

[Source: Eurogamer]

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