Instagram launches a new named credentials feature that works like Snapchat's snapcode


Instagram has announced a new feature that allows users to more easily track users of their cameras. Called Nametags, the new Instagram feature allows users to create graphs that work a lot like Snapchat QR codes or Snapcodes.

"Nametag is a customizable ID card that allows people to find your Instagram profile when it's scanned. Your badge is only yours and can quickly add people and accounts you discover in person, which is fast and fun, "said Instagram on his blog.

nametag The badges are customizable. Photo: Instagram

Users will be able to access their own identification tags by accessing their profile and pressing the menu button located in the upper right corner of the page. By tapping on "Nametag" you will get a separate code from the user that can be customized to make it more unique. There are three main options for customization: color, emoji and selfie.

The color option will allow users to change the background color of their nametag, while the emoji option will allow them to place any emoji as a background. The selfie option allows users to take their picture with different types of stickers. Users will be able to share their identification tags by tapping the sharing icon located in the upper right corner. There is also an option to save a Nametag as a photo. This makes it easy to share Nametags via messaging applications and other platforms.

To scan another person's Instagram badge, click the "Analyze Badge" button at the bottom. This will open the camera and users will simply have to fly over the Nametag to open this person's profile. Users will also be able to scan an identification tag by opening the Instagram camera by sliding on the main home page. Instagram said the new Nametag feature is now available worldwide on Android and iOS devices.

Another feature advertised by Instagram is calling school communities. This will allow users to link their Instagram profile to a directory of other users who have added the same school, according to Android Police. This new feature is currently being tested for various schools in the United States.

School communities This feature is currently being tested in schools in the United States. Photo: Instagram

"If you choose to sign up, you can add a line to your profile listing your university, your year of class and all relevant groups such as major teams, sports teams and focus groups. You and others who have added the same university can click to access a directory listing all the people (classified by year of course) who have added this university, where you can track and send messages, "explained Instagram. "Messages from people you are not already following go into your pending inbox where you can choose to accept or decline – in the same way that Instagram Direct works today."

Instagram Instagram launches a new Nametag feature. Photo: Alexander Koerner / Getty Images

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