Black Ops 4 "Blackout: A Major Change to Revive Time


Call of Duty

Last month, Call of Duty the players had the chance to check Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's The Blackout mode, which corresponds to the battle-royal formula.

And while impressions and first impressions were generally all positive, there were some finer reviews, such as the recovery time in the diet.

That said, Treyarch has heard the complaints about the recovery time, and already has a fix ready for the launch of the game next week.

The news of the cure comes from the director of the project, David Vonderhaar, who revealed it while talking to YouTuber "tejbz". According to Vonderhaar, in the final product, the reactivation time will actually be double as long as it will be in the beta version.

"The resurrection is very fast or has been very fast in the beta," Tejbz said. "It's going to be twice as long, at least that's what David said, he opted for twice as long."

Making play time twice as long as possible should address most of the concerns about this feature, which focused primarily on the fact that attacking enemies from a distance was not an effective strategy, as players always relaunched .

That's why games like Fortnite If you do not have them, you discourage long-range games and all the shots are at short range and occur at a much faster pace.

However, players will still be able to cheat a little resuscitation time with the consumer's benefit, allowing a faster resuscitation time of 20%. 20% may seem minimal, but a few seconds can make all the difference, and if your tactic is to play long range, then the consumer's benefit could be a necessity.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 should be released on October 12 worldwide on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. For the moment, no new Nintendo Switch has been announced.

For more information, media and title information, be sure to check out all previous covers of the first person shooter by clicking here.

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