The most important feature of Pixel 3 must be reliability


Every mobile phone manufacturer has launched products with a major flaw, distressed antennas from Apple to self-immolating batteries from Samsung. Pixels 2 had the opposite problem: a series of small problems that cumulatively compromised the experience. Google must be aware of this before launching the successor to the device on October 9th.

Some problems have arisen from the outset, including the fact that only one carrier took charge of the device. You can either buy a Pixel 2 on Verizon, or on the platform of Google, Project Fi, which hinders a little. Verizon has since removed the phone from its online store, presumably in anticipation of its replacement. The design of the handset was also disappointing and, in our review, we had indicated that the phone was "boxy" and "obsolete".

Despite this, the Pixel 2 was celebrated for its camera, still considered one of the best in the world. We described the phones as "very impressive artists" that would quickly become a "premium smartphone camera". Later, in March, DigitalTrends said the software adjustments of the Pixel 2 place it in the same league as a professional camera. And even the new iPhones, which are not left behind in the imaging department, would still live up to Pixel 2's feats in imaging.

Pixel 2 problems did not really start until the devices went into the hands of users. The XL had a chronic problem with random and unexplained stops. The cause was eventually attributed to a problem that occurred when the phones were in areas of low LTE coverage, which was addressed in the Android 8.1 update. Unfortunately, this modification has slowed down the device's fingerprint scanner for a second, making the phone much slower.

The smaller Pixel 2 was not immune either. Recently, users have noticed that the devices are starting to heat up a bit and that the batteries are getting shorter. But this problem, which has been attributed to the latest security update, was not the biggest problem of Pixel 2. In July, the company was forced to admit that some handsets were not going to be the same. were crushed when they tried to take a picture.

For a phone sold on the basis of its awesome camera, the problem of fatal error picture is serious. And Google's response has been to not fix the problem for a long time, beyond the silent replacement of affected handsets. Only in July, a few months after the start of the complaints, the company actually recognize the problem and say that he was working on a fix. A user of the Google Product Forums summed it up perfectly, stating, "But for almost $ 900, that should not happen."

Pixel 2 also featured a strange high frequency click sound coming from the speakerphone when it was unlocked. Until Google can implement a solution, the company has asked users to disable NFC technology, forcing them to choose between a useful feature and unwanted noise. It is worth mentioning that the supplied 3.5mm USB-C headphone jack adapter is notoriously flaky too.

The Pixel 2 XL came with a six-inch P-OLED screen that, even on our first review, did not look quite right. At that time, we said that "Pixel's small screen was brighter and brighter than its big brother." Initially, Google stated that the effect was intentional and that it had adjusted the image more accurately, more dynamically. XDA The report said was "questionable". In a subsequent update, the company added a new phone mode that allows users to make the colors more vivid.

The blue change is a common problem with OLED screens, but the XL and its brother, the LG V30, exhibited it much more than other smartphones. This was associated with concerns about the screen's ignition, which would eventually force the company to double the term of its warranty. This was both the only obvious solution and one that would have probably cost Google a lot for otherwise unnecessary repairs.

Pixel 2 also featured a strange high frequency click sound coming from the speakerphone when it was unlocked. Until Google can implement a solution, the company has asked users to disable NFC technology, forcing them to choose between a useful feature and unwanted noise. It is worth mentioning that the supplied 3.5mm USB-C headphone jack adapter is notoriously flaky too.

Pixel handsets are not mainstream devices, but less 4 million were sold in 2017, according to analyst Francisco Jeronimo. For comparison, analysts estimate that the Galaxy S9 is sold at around 31 million units in early July. Despite this and the litany of problems with the phones, Forbes said the handsets were the "best smartphones in the world".

Google has been receptive to the idea of ​​offering solutions to problems encountered, despite the smallness of its market. But is it true that the company has essentially used its paying customers as little more than beta testers? Will this potentially deter Pixel 3 buyers? People who are expecting the expiration of their two-year contract on OG Pixels could think about putting their money elsewhere.

It should be remembered that when you ask people to spend a lot of money on a premium phone, reputation counts. And that the Pixel 2 XL is a phone that, although it is good, has too many asterisks next to its name for comfort. That's why the most important feature that Google can bring to the table this year is not a better camera, but better quality control.

Follow all the latest news from the Google Pixel 3 event here!

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