Generation 4 of Pokemon arrives on 'Pokemon Go' in the near future – BGR


Nearly a year after the introduction of the first Generation 3 Pokémon in the Hoenn area, Pokemon Go is finally moving towards the next generation. Tuesday, Pokemon Go Niantic developer has announced that new Pokemon in the Sinnoh area will soon start appearing in Pokemon Goand, in anticipation of their arrival, the development team makes some changes to the game balance "to promote an overall improved experience".

We do not really know when we can expect to see the first Generation 4 Pokémon, but if it looks like the Generation 3 deployment, we will probably have the new Pokémon coin over the next few months. Gen 4 Pokemon debuted in Pokemon Diamond and pearl, who are both released on the Nintendo DS in Japan in 2006.

In regards to the balance of the game, Niantic modifies both the behavior and migration patterns of wild Pokémon, as well as the effectiveness of some Pokémon in combat. But first, here's a video:

Changes in Pokémon Migration and Behavior

  • We are making adjustments to weather conditions and, in the future, this will have a reduced effect on the rate of appearance of Pokémon.
  • By exploring a given area, you will notice that a greater variety of Pokémon species will appear with time and at different rates.
  • Some areas, such as parks and nature reserves, will now contain more varied Pokémon species.

Changing the effectiveness of Pokémon in combat

  • CP values ​​will be adjusted in the future to enhance the balance of the game.
  • The HP values ​​will be adjusted to reduce the gap between HP High Pokémon and Low Pokémon.
  • The values ​​of Pokémon Defense and Endurance will be rebalanced retroactively, allowing highly defensive Pokémon to play a valuable role in the battle by surviving their opponents instead of just running to the end.
  • Defense values ​​have also been slightly reduced retroactively for most Pokémon. Such changes will help narrow the gap between Pokémon that has the highest defensive stats and other Pokémon.

It seems that Niantic is benefiting from the launch of Generation 4 to allow coaches to meet more varied types of Pokémon in the wild while reinforcing some previously ineffective Pokémon in gym battles. No release date for these changes at the moment, but they will begin to unfold "in the coming weeks".

Source of the image: Niantic

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