First impressions on Google Pixel 3 & Pixel 3 XL: a pure delight


Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL have finally arrived and there is nothing to be surprised about the specifications on paper. All leaks were on site and there is no Ultra Pixel. Thus, where, in a normal year, we would hardly treat the position of these phones on the market, we would analyze how they compare to the competition and talk about their appearance (or lack thereof), we have the luxury of having already done more than the average. So what's up from today?

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There is some New details to go through, but what is especially new is that we have finally been able to see them ourselves – in person. We could have an idea of ​​how they feeland we see them not only as phones with data sheets that go hand in hand with Samsung or OnePlus, but also as Google's centerpiece for its recently expanded ecosystem. We already knew everything sure Niagara Falls, but now we have gone feel the mist hits us in the face.

The first and most significant of my impressions on Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL is that any opinion you have without playing yourself is wrong. I am the person who jokes threatened to boycott Google they've launched a phone with a notch and a chin, and I've openly pleaded for something visually different from the notched generic designs that have invaded the Android space over the past two years. And I also spoke openly about the date the Google Pixel 2 was dated last year, even compared to its already aged predecessor.

Honestly, I had mistaken familiar feelings when the original pixel leaked (and then was launched). I thought – hoping it would act from a new optimistic image of the Nexus lineup – that it was going to be difficult to be a convincing product with such an outdated look and a price of first order. But then I was Nice to meet you at the event and left excited and surprised to see that all these feelings were melting as soon as I felt how much the device work.

Google Pixel 3

For those who do not remember, this phone, largely thanks to its amazing camera, its reliable, sophisticated and consistent software, to its close integration to the smartest wizard of the battle AI and its thoughtful design decisions in terms of hardware and software features added, made it widely considered one of the – if not the – best Android phones. To this day, I still feel stupid to think that it was "ugly".

Last year, for me, I felt … different. Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL looked like a strange step on the side. Pixel 2 looked like a 1.5 pixel (or even 0.5 argument) in the Appearances department, while the larger Pixel 2 XL looked like a true successor – but the phone in the storefront of the page. Google Store home suffered many problems with its most critical component. . His display was a mess. Not a bargain breaker, but a mess anyway. He eclipsed the phone's software, if not as incredible, at least for me.

Given the negative emotions that I had associated with the crooked-chin sport, "it must be wrong!" (According to those who deny it), Google Pixel 3 XL surrounded by conspiracy and totally infiltrated, I was a little worried this year would be a continuation of last year – another year that gave the impression that the phones were unpolished phones, in a hurry, after thinking about their previous greatness.

But today, all the misconceptions I had about the arbitrarily bad decisions of the XL in design have all but disappeared. After only a few hours with the phones, I felt the same initial pleasure that I had felt with the original Pixel. Today's hardware issues and external design discrepancies are largely fixed, and the software, even with some strange pre-launch bugs, is once again able to bring out the most compelling aspect of this phone.

Google Pixel 3

One thing you simply can not know about Pixels 3 and 3 XL unless you check it yourself is how nice the matte glass back and soft to the touch is. It feels like the smoothest hard surface you've ever touched. Similar to a piece of sanded glass with the best sandpaper in the world. If you are used to the sticky feel of your iPhone 8 / X or Samsung Galaxy Galaxy, then be prepared to be pleasantly surprised by the beauty of this phone that feels in your hands.

Another thing is that both phones feel like real brothers and sisters again! Last year, Pixels 2 and 2 XL felt like totally different generations or created by completely different teams, despite the fact that they had many fundamental similarities. The objectives of the camera were exchanged. The edge where the glass met the body was very different. The glasses were different. The displays came from different worlds of quality. We had rounded corners on the screen. The vibration engine of Pixel 2, smaller, seemed to be a step forward. Even the lining of the two phones, at least for me, was different.

This year, all this strangeness is gone. the only The differences I could feel or feel between the two phones were the top of the screen – the difference you already know. The Pixel 3 XL has this notch and the smaller Pixel 3 has a similar design to the Pixel 2 XL of last year.

I think I'll talk a little about it, even if it's the most tired topic of all the conversation around these phones. Today, I spent about an hour with the Google Pixel 3 XL. In short, I forgot that the notch and the chin were there. I remember how much to look at a phone on the internet East to actually use it. This is the same observation I made when I first tried the iPhone X for a few weeks. Not only do you forget that it is there, but you appreciate the additional display of the screen. I will keep my final opinion for the review, but for now, I am leaning to make it a problem.

Google Pixel 3

I have already said it and I repeat it. I do not think that many people outside the world of technology have opinions almost as strong on the "notch", nor the dislike of industrial design enthusiasts. Looking at the phones on the pictures, it's beyond me like a sore thumb, but it's a different story to use it. It's not necessarily something to rent, but I assimilated that to my feeling about the original design of Google Pixel. The external appearance was not worth it rentingbut it was functional and not problematic.

It should be noted that it is always possible to use the same pixel 3 in all directions, if one wants to adopt a more traditional appearance (a conclusion about which I find almost the same conclusion). In addition, Google confirmed it adds an option to disable the notch. Thus, even if you are an uncompromising and passionate anti-hacker, you can convert your Pixel 3 XL into a Pixel 2 XL look in just one click.

Some first more random observations:

  • My experience with this is practically useless since the standard applications had been installed on the phones of this event and nothing more, but I did not notice any problem with 4GB of RAM.
  • I like the color not pink. This is not really rosy, but it is too. Hard to describe. I want one.
  • The Clearly White Pixel 3 XL is also beautiful. I wanted a really white XL last year.
  • The performance of the switch / multitasking applications are much faster than on Pixel 2 / XL. Google was clearly building this feature for these phones and was optimizing it first here.
  • The vibration engine is improved compared to Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, but still no Taptic Engine. It just does not have the power and tactility that the iPhone has. Better than all other Android phones up to now, however, in my opinion.
  • The screens on both are of the same quality and beautiful. I will speak more about it in my complete criticism.
  • I like a lot the totally blank left rail on the phones. No SIM tray. No nothing. Really elegant.
  • The device is metal. No polycarbonate or any other strange material. Metal. Google back glass we confirmed directly. It's also nice and precious to my touch – I do not know why some people have said it was plasticky.
  • Pixel Stand seems to be a no-brainer for any Pixel 3 owner. More thoughts on this later.

I have a lot more thoughts on the Pixel 3 XL, but for now I just wanted to explain how my early hours were so different from those of last year – in the best way possible. So many things that you expect to be great with Pixels are unsurprisingly great. The camera is as good as expected. All new features seem really useful to me. The software exactly meets your expectations, although it may be a bit better and more responsive than the stable version of Pixel 2 XL.

For now, know this: My feelings and expectations for these phones and Google's future smartphone efforts are completely refreshed after today's event. I am much more optimistic about these phones than 24 hours ago and I can not wait to dive into the depths.

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