Galaxy Note 9 faces more difficult problems

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While Samsung was about to cross a course with the defects of Galaxy Note 9, a number of BlueTooth problems have resurfaced on the latest phablet.

Although any new device has startup problems, these issues can be an opportunity for the manufacturer to show that it responds to reports sent by users, to provide the community with continuous information while the problem is resolved and to prove that updates and patches can be easily deployed.

So what do we have to do with the longstanding problems of BlueTooth present in the Galaxy Note 8 that affect the users of Note 9? Piunika Web reports:

At the time, it had been suggested to complainants to upgrade their future paired devices to fit the latest Bluetooth 5.0 technology of Note 8. Up to now, we are in the last quarter of this year and the range of notes has stabilized to that of Galaxy Note 9. But Bluetooth problems simply refuse to move.

… While the majority of them believe that pairing their phone with their car's central unit via Bluetooth is inevitable, some are struggling when they associate with smartwatches, headphones and headphones. other Bluetooth devices.

Samsung presents the new super powerful Galaxy Note9, offering all-day performance, a new S Pen pen and a smart camera (Photo by Bryan Bedder / Getty Images for Samsung)

It is not enough to have the most powerful device in the smartphone market. This is after-sales service, reputation and consumer confidence in one brand. For all of Apple's problems with batteries, charging and aggressive security policies, consumers continue to think that Apple is a brand that can be trusted, how much of that goodwill is based on reputation long-term rather than short-term events are open to debate.

And this is the weak point of Samsung. It is the highest poppy in the Android ecosystem, which means that for many, Samsung's actions have an impact on the entire ecosystem. If Galaxy devices are updated quickly, if the software is fixed and the defects are fixed, everyone is happy. But if the problems are left unresolved for more than a year, if the moderators of the forum have the only reaction to say "the engineers are still working," then the entire platform is slowed down.

The flagship vessels fly the flag for some reason, but sometimes the only possible interpretation is that a ship is drifting into dangerous shoals.

Learn more about the issues related to the new S-Pen of Note 9 …


While Samsung was about to cross a course with the defects of Galaxy Note 9, a number of BlueTooth problems have resurfaced on the latest phablet.

Although any new device has startup problems, these issues can be an opportunity for the manufacturer to show that it responds to reports sent by users, to provide the community with continuous information while the problem is resolved and to prove that updates and patches can be easily deployed.

So what do we have to do with the longstanding problems of BlueTooth present in the Galaxy Note 8 that affect the users of Note 9? Piunika Web reports:

At the time, it had been suggested to complainants to upgrade their future paired devices to fit the latest Bluetooth 5.0 technology of Note 8. Up to now, we are in the last quarter of this year and the range of notes has stabilized to that of Galaxy Note 9. But Bluetooth problems simply refuse to move.

… While the majority of them believe that pairing their phone with their car's central unit via Bluetooth is inevitable, some are struggling when they associate with smartwatches, headphones and headphones. other Bluetooth devices.

Samsung presents the new super powerful Galaxy Note9, offering all-day performance, a new S Pen pen and a smart camera (Photo by Bryan Bedder / Getty Images for Samsung)

It is not enough to have the most powerful device in the smartphone market. This is after-sales service, reputation and consumer confidence in one brand. For all of Apple's problems with batteries, charging and aggressive security policies, consumers continue to think that Apple is a brand that can be trusted, how much of that goodwill is based on reputation long-term rather than short-term events are open to debate.

And this is the weak point of Samsung. It is the highest poppy in the Android ecosystem, which means that for many, Samsung's actions have an impact on the entire ecosystem. If Galaxy devices are updated quickly, if the software is fixed and the defects are fixed, everyone is happy. But if the problems are left unresolved for more than a year, if the moderators of the forum have the only reaction to say "the engineers are still working," then the entire platform is slowed down.

The flagship vessels fly the flag for some reason, but sometimes the only possible interpretation is that a ship is drifting into dangerous shoals.

Learn more about the issues related to the new S-Pen of Note 9 …

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