"Suicide Squad" takes control of "GTA V"


Grand Theft Auto V has an incredibly immersive world to explore with tons of character interaction to enjoy. With recent news from Guardians of the Galaxy former director taking the Suicide team After, what better way to bring back the first movie than with a new GTA V mod?

9d2118-Grand Theft Auto V Screen Capture 2018.10.06 -

The mod is simple and brings Joker and Harley Quinn (their models of Injustice "Gods among us" iOS) in the world of San Andreas in an entirely new way. There is even a "crazy" version of Joker, which you can find here.

For the van version of the mod, as shown in the image above, instructions on downloading can be found on the GTA5-Mods website. There are also tons of other mods on this site, including the one we shared earlier this week on creating the world of Grand Theft Auto so realistic that it looks like a movie! If you are looking for hyperrealism, you need to check this mod.

Want more Grand Theft Auto V mod goodness? Check out this hilarious mod that introduces Goku of Dragon Ball Z into the mix! It's too good not to share and you can even see a video journey!

To know more about Grand Theft Auto V, pre-mod:

"When a young burglar, a retired bank robber and a terrifying psychopath find themselves mingled with some of the most frightening and deranged elements of the underground criminal world, the US government and the entertainment industry, they must succeed a series of dangerous attempts to survive in a ruthless city in which they can not trust anyone, let alone to each other.

The game offers players a wide range of computer-specific customization options, including more than 25 distinct configurable parameters for texture quality, shaders, tessellation, anti- aliasing, etc., as well as support and extensive customization of mouse and keyboard commands. Additional options include a population density slider to control car and pedestrian traffic, as well as support for dual and triple monitors, 3D compatibility, and support for plug-and-play controllers. "

You can contact the author of this story on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy.

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