Epic Games pursues a YouTuber for selling Fortnite tricks


Epic Games, the company behind Fortnite, is suing a YouTuber for revealing free mobile gaming tips.

Brandon Lucas, also known as "Golden Modz", was named in a lawsuit by the gaming company claiming to have violated the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

He did this by filming himself cheating on the game for his YouTube channel and then selling the cheat tools via his website.

And when you have 1.7 million subscribers, you tend to draw attention to these kinds of things.

Fortnite (Epic Games)

"This is a case of copyright infringement, breach of contract and tortious interference in which the defendants violate the copyright of the author. Epic by injecting an unauthorized cheat software ("cheats" or "hacks") into the code protected by the copyright of the famous video game Epic Fortnite, "the company wrote.

"Lucas operates these websites and sells these tips and accounts for their own personal enrichment. He posts videos of people using the tips for the same reason, "said Epic Games.

"His ill-gotten gains are at the expense of Epic and members of the Fortnite community."

Fortnite does not like cheaters (Epic Games)

According to TorrentFreak, Epic Games asked YouTube to remove some of the most abominable videos, which did not happen.

For his part, Lucas proclaimed his innocence and said that many others were doing the same thing.

"I almost feel like I'm being discriminated against by Epic Games, you know I'm only a child who makes videos on YouTube and that many people take advantage of it, "he said in a video titled" I am being pursued by Fortnite ".

Fortnite has exploded in popularity this year (Image: Shutterstock)

Epic Games filed a lawsuit in a federal court in North Carolina and named Colton Conter, another YouTuber, also known as "Exentric" – as the second defendant. The two often work together on Fortnite videos.

As Fortnite continued to gain popularity, Epic Games was more concerned about the crackdown on cheats. This lawsuit can impact YouTube's nebulous gaming community.

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