Call of Duty: Black Ops 4: The Kotaku Review


The fourth installment of Treyarch Secret operations series could be the first Call of Duty give up a solo campaign. But after a series of unsatisfactory entries in the once-reliable series, putting all his efforts behind the multiplayer has paid off: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 find the middle ground between classic COD and the jetpack era, reviving the franchise in many ways.

Honestly, I would be more angry at Black Ops 4the absence of a campaign if it had had the same heavier online launch than last year. Call of Duty: World War II. But the online content was published at the first minute. No blocking, long load times or server problems, assuming you play on console. The PC team struggled during the launch days, but it's still Call of DutyThe sweetest launch in years.

Black Ops 4 has made a comeback in what Activision calls "a fight on the ground", but that does not mean that it is based entirely on reality. There are still grapples and a soldier more robot than the man. This is not Infinite war fast, but that's not either the Second World War slow. Black Ops 4 feels exactly where the franchise should be in terms of pace of play and the degree of specialist abilities.


Quote of the box

"We droppin 'Nuketown?"

Type of game

Shooter's Renaissance in trouble


Blackout is better than PUBG, the multiplayer mode is addictive and the theater mode.

Did not like

Cinematics specialists locked behind terrible challenges, the Zombies mode is overwhelming.


PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC

The specialists Ruin, Battery, Prophet, Seraph and Nomad come back from Black Ops 3, the two characters who come back and the new talents. Each specialist comes with a unique weapon and special equipment, giving you options depending on whether you want to play offensively or defensively. For example, in 5v5 Search and Destroy, I like to play the role of Crash the Medic to provide extra ammo and a health boost to my team. But on small, goal-based cards, I use Torque for his razor wire to block a door or protect a bomb site. You can change your mid-career match, but the number of players of each type on the field is limited: one from each specialist during a 5-on-5 game, or two from each mode in Chaos 6 to 6 mode. .

Another big change in the series: health does not regenerate itself anymore automatically. You will simply have to be a responsible teammate and treat yourself manually. Yes, it's a change for the franchise, but stimulant vaccines for health are not a terrible disadvantage. The stimulating shot is unlimited with a short cooldown. You can even see the health bars of your teammates, so you can remind friends to start themselves. The action becomes really usual after a few games.

One of my biggest complaints about the Second World War was the lack of cards and variety at launch. I do not feel like that Black Ops 4. There are 4 remastered return cards for the old school Secret operations fans, and 10 new cards with a fairly large variety of size and location. For example, Icebreaker is a small underwater map of the Arctic where you can freeze if you stay in the water for too long. Morocco is a village with tons of gates and rooftop locations where you can ambush enemies.

The staple Call of Duty The game modes are back, but the traditional 6 team death match modes are now in the featured play list under the name "Chaos TDM". Indeed, the objective game modes were reduced to 5 players, which corresponds more to the standard competition multiplayer mode. Games.

Two new objective modes have been introduced, called Heist and Control. I like the tactical nature of both. Heist is a 5v5 mode that forces your team to steal a bag of money before your opponent, then to reach a point of extraction. You can also choose to ignore the goal, because you will also win if you kill the entire opposing team. As a roundabout-based tactical challenge that uses a system of purchase and money for your normal moves in the game, Heist is clearly inspired by Counter Strike. Instead of standard Call of Duty weapons classes, everyone starts with a gun and $ 500. This small indemnity does not take you far. You earn money every turn to buy better rifles, attachments, benefits, equipment or super score. You really have to be tactical, communicate and spend wisely, and that's what I really like about Heist. The mode was really fun in the beta, and I'm glad to see that Treyarch has made some improvements to the release: you no longer have to recover the money and proceed with the process. extraction if the opposing team is eliminated, or vice versa. This reduces unnecessary delays and allows you to move to the next turn much faster.

The control is Black Ops 4The hybrid of the classic Call of Duty modes. The map has points A and B, which are highlighted areas that resemble the targets seen in the Hard Points modes of previous games. But these locations do not move and your team must capture or defend points in a manner closer to the Domination Modes of previous games.

As control begins as a way of reappearing, each team has a limited pool of thirty lives between them, which may give the impression that the search and destruction are without reappearance before the end. You can win the towers by holding the capture points or by slaughtering the enemy team until it is no longer alive. At first, I did not really know what to think of Control, but I really came to enjoy it. A pool of shared lives can disappear quite quickly when you try to capture or defend two points, and the chaotic action at the beginning of the match can quickly escalate into a tense game without reappearance.

Overall, I think Treyarch made an intelligent decision by limiting the number of doubles specialists that can participate in every game. I was not really a fan of Specialists in the past, but they feel much less annoying when you do not face an entire enemy team that strikes you with the same specialist weapon. I'm learning to appreciate the different abilities and test new strategies for the different game modes. It's also a lot less chaotic and more enjoyable to experiment with specialists in a slower and more realistic game environment. The variety of cards, the large selection of weapons and the classic advantages make Black Ops 4 feel good.


A huge factor in Call of DutyThe success of this fall depended on the quality of the first incursion of the franchise in the genre of the royal battle. Black Ops 4 really offers the perfect experience. Blackout sticks with Call of DutyThe first-person view instead of the typical third person, but otherwise looks like your typical non-memberFortnite Royal Battle game. Far from being an afterthought, Blackout is extremely polite, with excellent vehicle mechanics, fluid movement of characters and many Secret operations map locations.

Blackout can be charged quickly and easily for solo, duet and quad matches, with a limit of 100 players that works well with the size of the card. Whether you are traveling to a more popular venue or off the grid, there is always action nearby.

The diversity of deleted items seems a little more balanced than it was in the beta, and I am able to see and retrieve items a little faster than before. The only pieces that seem to be missing are the weapons accessories. There is still no option to run and collect all the ammo, and looting the corpses still takes a few seconds to search the backpack of the fallen soldier, as opposed to a quick look at the objects. deposited by an eliminated opponent in Fortnite.

The handling of the vehicle really makes a difference. After making perfect turns on an ATV to escape the shots of a distant sniper, I think it would be difficult to turn around H1Z1, where a small pebble can send your vehicle to make crazy transfers on the side of a cliff. I had motion sickness when I climbed to the back of the cargo truck or as a passenger on the ATV, but the feeling was alleviated if I monopolized the driver duties for my team .

The movements of the characters are wonderfully fluid, as when I slip into the shadows to avoid a helicopter filled with enemies above my head, or I fly above the walls to help a teammate. I also like being able to heal myself while fleeing the storm of nova gas that reduces the playing field.

One of the biggest differences Call of Duty Players will notice in Blackout that the ball drop mechanism has been added, something common to other Royal Battle games but not yet seen in Call of Duty. Yes, gravity will now bring your balls back to the ground, so you will have to perfect your math skills. Near average, this will not be a factor for players, but long-range shots will be affected. Movement speed and ball drop should be taken into account when capturing or shooting at long range. It will take a bit of practice with long-range shootings before you can judge and compensate the distance appropriately.

There is not much of a major change over the Blackout beta, but Treyarch has listened to the returns, and the armor problems have been improved. Level 3 armor generates much less, and level 2 armor was nerve-wracked and did not seem too frustrating to destroy.

The designated zombie locations on the map have attracted the attention of the players. despite the undead spawning at random. They seem willing to risk an attack of undead spawners at random for the chance to get in there and find a special booty, especially the rifle and light machine gun Zombies.

Blackout provides the over-the-top Call of Duty action fans wait, while remaining true to the royal battle genre. I like the feeling of falling on some of my favorite Secret operations places, while having the impression of playing an improved and more refined version of PUBG.


From one side, I like a lot the content that Treyarch has made available to his signature fashion, Zombies, the first day. On the other hand, I found the initial dive in Black Ops 4The menu of Zombies is irresistible. This year's installment seems to allow you to play Zombies as you wish. Customizing your own experience is cool, but navigating the menus is painful when you simply try to play a single match.

Three launch cards are available for everyone and a fourth ranked card is available if you bought the Secret operations pass. The new maps follow a brand new story called History of Chaos, which is divided into two parts. IX takes place in a gladiatorial arena of ancient Rome and Voyage of Despair on the Titanic. Chaos features four new characters, while the third card, Blood of the Dead, is a Black Ops 2 remake that follows Aether Story, featuring the four original characters from Treyarch's classic plot, Zombie.

Included in the plethora of menus and modes is a very simple tutorial for new players that takes place on a part of Voyage of Despair. This is accompanied by a fun commentary which guides you step by step to the discovery of the zombies and the navigation on the map, but it does not have the repetition nor the depth of the Second World WarThe Groesten Haus tutorial.

Treyarch's "play as you like" mantra means you can choose between the Classic Zombies game, the all-new Rush mode, or simply tweak your own custom Zombie rule game. The classic game also allows you to choose between four different levels of difficulty: Casual, Normal, Hardcore or Realistic.

There is also a create-a-class option that allows you to make a lot of choices. You can choose to equip four of the more than 30 elixirs of the game, temporary benefits working as Black Ops 3Gobblegum. Instead of buying them from rubber machines on the map, your four chosen elixirs will already be equipped for your load. You can also choose a special weapon with a cooldown similar to that of multiplayer specialists. However, the most shocking change is that you can now choose the benefits you want to generate on the map, and even assign their locations.

The classic benefits of Juggernog and Double-Tap are gone, but you can still get extra speed with Stamin-Up or reactivate faster with Quick Revive. There are also new benefits, such as Death Perception, which allows you to see enemies behind walls or receive nearby but not visible enemy flags.

Black Ops 4The enemies felt really wild at the time of their release, especially without the help of improving Juggernog's health. But Treyarch has already introduced a post-launch balancing fix. Players now have an additional fifty health points. So one more slap is needed for a zombie. So, for example, health in classic Zombies mode has gone from 150 to 200 points per player. The extra slap makes all the difference with life or death in zombies.

Rush is a new fast paced Zombies experience, in which you gain score multipliers and fight your way through the undead to unlock parts of the map as you progress. You do not have to pay for guns or unlock doors, just stay alive and follow the Rush tags to defend designated areas. I really appreciate this addictive arcade twist on Zombies, and this will probably serve me in fashion when I will be limited in time.

Overall, I really like the fact that there are options for beginners or casual gamers without interrupting the experience for diehard fans looking for Easter eggs or for high parts. However, too many choices are thrown at once. I would at least want the menus to be less difficult to navigate, but I'm happy to say that Treyarch provides solid and rich content once you have gone through all the options to determine what you want.

And the rest

While most traditions of Black Ops 4 was unloaded at Free comics online, there is still a bit of history in the mini-missions of the headquarters of specialists. Fan favorite Frank Woods of the Secret operations The series becomes your instructor for the tedious challenges you face against AI robots before you can unlock every element of the story. This part of the game also serves as a tutorial section for those wishing to learn every skill and gameplay specialist, but I hate the fact that fragments of history are locked behind these requirements. I had to play a match match to death with the team of bots just to unlock a little bit of history.

Once unlocked, they can all be revisited and add up to about 10 minutes of cinematics showing small pieces of character's life. The cinematic tracks are really well done, but playing boring AI games was not the way I wanted to spend my time at Black Ops 4.

The Theater mode is also back, allowing you to move freely and capture the last moments of play in multiplayer mode, Zombies and Blackout. Whether you're looking to relive your raging chess or epic snipes, game types are stored in the Theater section for easy viewing. You can go into full director by setting camera points and using other advanced features, but I usually use the basic editor to get quick clips and thumbnails. I found that the theater could get a little silly and stop responding correctly if the clip showed a player emitting, scoring, or even throwing heavy actions. A few game saves caused the crash of my PlayStation 4 on the blue screen every time I tried to get a screen shot.

And yes, I said "emotiver" and "mark". Black Ops 4 are these FortniteStyle features, which can be used in multiplayer and Blackout game types. The show and the scoring will have no direct effect on the match, except to waste valuable time and make you vulnerable, but I usually let my character perform the "Unstoppable" cheat gesture to provide extra hype. Although players are currently abusing gestures to take a look at the cover in Black-Out (since an emoticon shifts the player's view to the third person), Treyarch is currently working on a fix.

Black Ops 4 gets straight that last year Call of Duty he's cheated. There are some who will criticize Black Ops 4 to add royal battle or be influenced by other popular shooters, but I think it's a pleasure, polite Call of Duty game adapted to modern times, and Blackout is better than any other "realistic" royal battle game I've played. I do not miss the campaign.

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