Mighty returns with a redesigned offline Spotify drive


Do not let the name fool you, Mighty Vibe is very similar to this original device and still costs $ 86. At a glance, the new version seems almost identical to the previous version, but some aesthetic changes have been made. The most obvious is the color. The original Mighty is available in black, white or orange, but for the Mighty Vibe, you can choose black, red or blue.

Mighty Vibe "data-caption =" Mighty Vibe "data-credit =" Mighty "data-credit-link-back =" "data-dam-provider =" "data-local-id =" local-1-53820-1539636342366 "data-media-id =" bf1842c9-81d2-30f6-bbdb-1285ba2495d4 "data-original-url =" https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?resize=2000%2C2000%2Cshrink&image_uri=uri_https%3A % 2F% 2Fmedia-mbst-pub-ue1.s3.amazonaws.com% images 2Fcreatr-downloaded-% 2F2018-10% 2F3bf12000-d0bb-11E8-b2fd-363fc71c79e7 & customer = a1acac3e1b3290917d92 & signature = c02eed217bf22d78effbf38e330576a0f64e4a92 "data-title =" Mighty Vibe "src =" https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?resize=2000%2C2000%2Cshrink&image_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia-mbst-pub-ue1.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fcreatr- uploaded-images% 2F2018-10% 2F3bf12000-d0bb-11e8-b2fd-363fc71c79e7 & customer = a1acac3e1b3290917d92 & signature = c02eed217bf22d78effbf38e3305e530576a0f64e4a92 "/></p>
<p>The two main changes <em>inside</em> The Mighty Vibe are connectivity and battery life. First, the company promises a more reliable Bluetooth technology through a new antenna. On the first model, you really had to keep Mighty close to your headset to maintain the connection. During my review, the connectivity was uneven when I moved the device in my pocket instead of being cut on my t-shirt. It was not really ideal. However, since a few days that I own the Vibe, I can already say that the Bluetooth range is well improved (I've already tested with the Jabra Elite 65t). Not only can I carry it in my pocket, but I can leave it on my desk and go to the next room without interruption. Mighty also says that this new device works with all Bluetooth devices. There were some audio gadgets with which the first model would not play well.</p>
<p>In terms of battery life, Mighty says the Vibe has at least five hours of play per charge. The five-hour mark was announced for the original device, but some users (like me) reported that the real time was lower. The company listened and promised that the Vibe would more consistently reach the five o'clock mark. I have not spent enough time with Vibe to thoroughly test the new battery claims, but I plan to do it at a full review.</p>
<p style=Mighty vibe

Since the bulk of the work is done inside the complementary application for iOS and Android, Mighty is also working on a new version of this software. This is not over yet, but it should be ready by the end of October. In this case, a redesigned interface will provide a better overall experience. More specifically, the company has improved both the synchronization process and the pairing of Bluetooth devices. Pairing headphones was a chore before, so a change is welcome. Other new features include EQ settings for adjusting audio quality and track and artist names. For the moment, Mighty will tell you the name of the playlist, but he will not give you any information about specific songs – at least not yet.

After the release of the first release, Mighty introduced the ability to sync Spotify's podcasts and a much-needed shuffle function. The company has a solid track record of providing regular updates and constantly adding new features. So there is no reason to doubt that it will not do the same thing with Vibe. Owners of the first model can expect to use the redesigned application as well as a firmware update that will enhance Bluetooth and offer a modest increase in battery life. "The complete improved experience" will be reserved for the Vibe.

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