Five years after its publication, one of the achievements of the Stanley parable can finally be unlocked,


In reality, your reality may well be Stanley's parable, if you really think about it. This existential crisis was provoked by a success for the game that has just come out, five years after its launch.

An achievement called "Go Outside" has a simple requirement: do not play the Stanley dish for five years. The game was launched on October 17, 2013, making it today its fifth birthday. On the first day of the game, Achievement can actually be unlocked (at least without cheating). The creator of Stanley Parable, Davey Wreden, went on Twitter to mark the occasion.

Of course, it is possible to unlock the outside success without waiting five years. Disabling the game, setting the clock on your computer, and then restarting the parable Stanley would be enough to convince the program that it would take place in five years. Go Outside is also not the only strange or time-based achievement in the Stanley parable; There is another one to play the game for a whole Tuesday, which can be played in the same way by the less scrupulous hunters of Achievement.

The most interesting thing about Go Outside Achievement is its interaction with the themes of the Stanley parable. The game finds the Stanley player holder character by following the narrator's instructions throughout the story – or by not following these instructions, to the player's decision. But an achievement that was won by do not playing the game raises an important question: have you ever really stopped playing The Stanley Parable? Does not all life consist simply of following the instructions and doing what you are told, thus transforming your existence into a version of the Stanley parable? It's heavy, dude.

The bad news is that if you've never had the chance to play the Stanley dish and are intrigued, you'll have to wait five more years for fully complete the.

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