Oculus Co-Founder Iribe Is Leaving Facebook | News & Opinion


Oculus Co-Founder Brendan Iribe is leaving Facebook.

Facebook Twitter Pinterest: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Google+ LinkedIn Pinterest RSS Facebook Twitter Pinterest: Facebook Twitter Oculus Co-Founder Palmer Luckey, who left in March 2017.

Luckey, Iribe, Michael Antonov, and Nate Mitchell founded Oculus VR in 2012. Two years later, Facebook for $ 2 billion.

In a monday Facebook comment announcing his resignation, Iribe said "Working alongside so many people at Oculus and Facebook has been one of the most transformative experiences of my career. Mark for believing in this team and the future of VR and AR. "

Iribe went on to say that he plans to take his "first real break" in more than two decades.

"It's time to recharge, reflect and be creative," he wrote. "I'm excited for the next chapter."

In a statement to PCMag, Facebook said Mitchell, who has been leading the Rift / PC team with Iribe, will remain in his position. Hugo Barra has been leading the overall Oculus team for the past year Andrew Bosworth oversees all augmented reality and VR work at Facebook.

Meanwhile, Iribe today commented on the state of VR, saying Oculus Rift and Touch deliver "the first step of true virtual presence" but there's room for improvement.

"Every part of VR and AR needs to improve, especially the hardware and core technology," Iribe wrote. "Although we are still far from delivering the magical smart glasses we are all about,"

Luckey, meanwhile, exited Facebook in a cloud of controversy over a donation to a pro-Donald Trump organization called Nimble America, which created anti-Hillary Clinton memes. The donation reportedly makes a difference with liberal-leaning Silicon Valley.

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