Samsung pursues brand ambassador for $ 1.6 million after being made to use an iPhone in public – BGR


One would think that Samsung at this point would have learned that paying top celebrities to "promote" the brand might not be the smartest solution. In a scenario that we have seen play repeatedly, celebrities paid to promote Samsung smartphones are often caught using or sending tweets from their iPhone. A few years ago, for example, Samsung hired supermodel Kate Upton to promote the launch of the Galaxy Note 10 at an event in New York. This sounds pretty innocent, but Upton was photographed using his iPhone during this event, which completely thwarted the goal and provided free advertising for Apple.

Well, it turns out that Samsung apparently has enough of these shenanigans. According to a report from MirrorSamsung sued Ksenia Sobchak, Russian brand ambassador and citizen, after being surprised to use an iPhone X in front of a camera, despite its mediocre efforts to hide the phone behind a sheet of paper. paper.

A photo of the event in question can be seen below.

Source of the image: Mirror

What is even more curious and overwhelming is that Sobchak was also spotted at a number of major social events using his personal iPhone. The report points out that Sobchak "is obliged by contract to appear in public with his Samsung smartphone".

Of course, Samsung's pursuit of Sobchak could only serve to further embarrass society by putting history in the spotlight. It will certainly be interesting to see how Sobchak will react to the lawsuit and if Samsung will aggressively pursue it.

Sobchak is at least in good company. In recent years, celebrities paid to support the Android brand, which ultimately turned out to be iPhone users, are not lacking. More recently, Wonder Woman Star Gal Gadot was caught in the act of Huawei Mate 10 Pro via a tweet sent from his iPhone.

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