The next Fallout 76 beta for Xbox One happens this Saturday and Sunday (Updated)


Update: Bethesda just announced another Xbox beta window this weekend, on Sunday, also two hours long. So the schedule is:

Saturday, October 27, from 5 pm to 7 pm ET.
Sunday, October 28, from 12 pm to 2 pm ET.

The tweet also states there will be more sessions with “extended hours” soon.

Original story: The first Fallout 76 beta for Xbox One took place yesterday, giving those who pre-ordered a nice four-hour window to wet their whistles. The timing wasn’t convenient for everyone: the beta began pretty late in Europe and pretty early for those on the US west coast who work during regular business hours, so not everyone got a chance to play. The next beta period has been announced by Bethesda, and unfortunately it’s not until this Saturday. Double-unfortunately: it’s only two hours long this time, instead of four.

The Xbox One Fallout beta will begin on Saturday, October 27, at 5 pm ET, and end at 7 pm. 

I expect some disappointment from Fallout fans at this news. Those who didn’t have the opportunity to try it now have to wait for the weekend for their chance, and they won’t have the full four hours we got yesterday. Those who did play last night… well, if they’re like me, they’re probably dying to play more and were hoping to jump right back in sometime tonight.

Ah, well! At least the Fallout 76 PC beta begins October 30, which is drawing pretty darn close.

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