Next Black Ops 4 Updates Will Focus On Network Performance


Treyarch has been rolling out almost daily updates for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 since the launch of the shooter earlier this month. In addition to the latest fix, which improves the stability of all modes of the PS4, Xbox One and PC, the developer has shared with fans of other aspects of the game that it will continue to tweak to the next few weeks.

In an article on Reddit, Treyarch outlined plans to further optimize the network performance of Black Ops 4. "We are constantly working to optimize the game, and in particular the performance of the network, to ensure players an online experience of the game. highest quality, "said the developer. "Now that we have gone beyond the initial launch of the game, we are focused on fine tuning network performance around the world, using the real data we've collected.

"Over the next two weeks, we will be rolling out several network configuration updates that will continue to improve the experience of our players since the launch." As we've always said, launching n & # It's just the beginning, and we're committed to making Black Ops 4 the best supported game we've ever delivered. "

The latest update of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has solved the crashes and other issues related to multiplayer, blackout and zombie modes. This follows the patch that Treyarch put in place last week and made various corrections to the Zombies mode. The developer says that he is also studying other Zombie bugs and will provide an update on these issues "in the coming days". You can read the release notes on Reddit.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has been a critical and commercial success for Activision and Treyarch, breaking the publisher's record for the "greatest digital version of the day one". He was also well received by critics. GameSpot awarded him 8/10 in our Black Ops 4 review. Criticism Kallie Plagge wrote: "Of course, there is no single single player campaign, but with the depth and breadth of what exists, Black Ops 4 does not need it. "

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