Black Ops 4 Improved black market improved with a new update; Here are the full release notes


Treyarch has released a new update for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. The most important patch concerns the black market – the market based on the levels of the game – but the update presents changes for multiplayer modes, Blackout and Zombies. well.

For the black market, the update changes players' redistribution rate to new levels, which speeds up the process. You'll also be able to reach new levels in a more consistent way, as progress rates are now similar in all Blackout and Multiplayer modes. Although they have not been added to this update, Treyarch plans to further accelerate black market growth by implementing online pay rate accelerators and Tier Skip rewards. based on challenges and events.

The full patch notes are on the subreddit of Black Ops 4, and we have listed the strong points below. The patch notes reveal that Treyarch is currently tracking audio adjustments and quad performance for Blackout as well, as well as host migration for Zombies. The developer is also deploying several updates to further optimize the network performance of Black Ops 4. "We are constantly working to optimize the game, and in particular network performance, to ensure that players have the highest quality online experience. "said the developer.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is available on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

Black Ops 4 Update of October 23


Black market

  • Fixes and enhancements to tiered progress help achieve success in all multiplayer and blackout modes.


  • General stability improvements in multiplayer mode, blackout and zombies.


Playlist Updates

  • Weekly rotation of the featured category of playlists:
  • Addition of the "Mercenary Capture Moshpit" playlist to the selected playlist (5v5 domination, hard point and control without parts).
  • Addition of the playlist "Hardcore Control" in the selected category.
  • Addition of the playlist "Search and Destroy" to the selected category.


  • Resolution of a problem resulting in a user interface error in the after action action report for Master Master players.
  • Resolution of a problem unlocking the correct "Nuked Out" calling card in the Hardcore Free For All playlist.


  • Fixed a problem that allowed players to gain 200 life permanently if two players playing in Crash mode were using the Tak-5.

Search and destroy

  • Resolution of a problem where users could observe the enemy team by changing class during their Kill Cam.


Post-action report

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in the display of a black screen during the After Action report.



  • Solved the following problem: War Paint did not appear in the reward stream until it was unlocked.
  • Several crash fixes.
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