Black Ops 4 'Exploit makes players move incredibly fast


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 players abuse a feat that allows them to move much faster in multiplayer games, but the feat will not be much longer.

In a shared update with the most active subsite of the game, Treyarch said he noticed that some people were using a feat to their advantage. The exploit allowed players to have multiple copies of the same advantage in multiplayer matches, said Treyarch, but no additional details were provided to prevent players from playing the feat longer by the time Treyarch corrected it.

Elsewhere in the subdirectory, players shared evidence that other users had abused the cumulative benefit exploit in multiplayer matches. One of the most popular uses of the feat seems to be stacking Skulker, the advantage that allows players to move faster when they are squatting. On its own, the advantage increases the speed of movement when it is squatting or prone, while offering the benefit of reducing footstep noise, but when multiple copies of the same benefit are piled up one by one on the others, the results resemble those of a video that seems to have been shipped quickly. up to twice the normal speed. A post on Reddit shared a gif of the exploit in action to show just how problematic it has become in multiplayer games.

Other users shared similar evidence of the exploit showing that players were moving at breakneck speed by abusing the unintended bonus effect. While some people who use the exploit would inevitably say that they had no intention of claiming to be able to use it if they are in the game, a player who knows how to reproduce The feat explained how to do it in a roundabout. way to avoid giving a step by step process, but to clarify that this is not a feat that people can accidentally reproduce. The feat is to head to a custom lobby and set up custom classes "in a very specific way," they said, anticipating more steps than necessary for the company to do so. exploit really works. This is a feat that seems difficult to reproduce by mistake. So there will probably be no indulgence on the part of Treyarch for those who took it.

Treyarch sends a warning to players who are caught using the exploit for the first time with the second offense justifying a ban and is considering solving the problem in an upcoming update.

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