Support for the Xbox One Mouse is now available for some



Earlier this year, it was revealed that the mouse and keyboard were coming to Xbox One. Move on to today, and this development marks a new stage.

If you are a member of the Alpha or Beta program via Xbox Insider, you can now use a mouse, even if its capacity is rather limited.

How limited? Well, for the moment, all you can do is play Warframe with that. This is not a perfect or ideal overview of the mouse / keyboard support if you are not a Warframe player, but it will be interesting to have an idea, even if only for a little while.

As you may know, this feature does not require specific hardware, but it will never offer universal support. Instead, compatibility will apply game by game, or in other words, to the developer who will implement it, not Microsoft.

The chances that genres such as first-person shooter support this feature are unlikely, after all, developers would not want to give an unfair advantage to the players of the mouse and keyboard compared to the players of the controller. But in genres where it makes no difference, or in any non-competitive game, there is a chance you can play with a mouse and keyboard.

Mouse and keyboard support will be particularly useful for strategy games and some tactical RPGs and simulation games. As you may know, many games do not work as well on a controller as on a mouse and keyboard, such as Cities: Horizons.

What will be interesting to see is whether this will lead to more strategy games coming on Xbox One. The kind of strategy, by and large, is exclusive to the PC, and when the popular games of the genre make the jump in the consoles, the end product is not normally so good. This could encourage some developers to also develop their strategy games for Xbox One.

When mouse and keyboard support is extended to everyone, it is still unclear because Microsoft has not provided a release date or window for the feature.

Whatever it is, do not hesitate to click on the comments and let us know what you think. Are the mouse and keyboard compatible with something that interests you?

Source: Xbox

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