Key settings to modify for your brand new OnePlus 6T


OnePlus 6T Review
Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

Now that you finally have the spectacular new OnePlus 6T in hand, what is the first thing to do? Tweak the settings of course. Here's a quick overview of some of the settings you want to change on the OnePlus 6T to get the best user experience possible.

You can also check out our thoughts on the OnePlus 6T and see how it compares to its predecessors, as well as the Samsung Galaxy S9, which shares similar features.

Activate new navigation movements

Although Android 9.0 Pie brings many new features, its updated navigation gestures are not included among them. You will want to enable much better navigation in OxygenOS as soon as you turn on the OnePlus 6T to avoid a lot of headaches.

To enable custom navigation features, go to Settings> Buttons and gestures> Navigation bar and gestures. Select the radio button next to Gestures of navigation. Once activated, simply slide your finger up to return to the home screen.

Activate night mode

In recent years, the effects of blue light have become a source of growing concern. We know that blue light can disrupt sleep, but it can also have other adverse health effects. Fortunately, the OnePlus 6T has a blue light filter called night mode that can be easily activated.

To use night mode, go to Settings> Display> Night mode. Select the radio button next to Activate automatically from sunset to sunrise if you want the phone to manage the night mode. If you prefer to set your own schedule, simply press the radio button next to Custom time range.

Improve the ambient display

The ambient screen displays basic information such as time, battery percentage and notification icons. It's a good idea to set up two customizations for this feature. The first is a gesture that allows you to tap the screen to quickly activate the ambient display, while the second brightens the screen when you receive new notifications.

Configuring these customizations takes only a few moments. You will have to go to Settings> Display> Ambient Display. Toggle on the sliders next to Turn on the screen to view and New notifications.

Change your theme and accentuate the color

One of the fastest ways to make your phone more familiar is to customize its interface. When setting up your new OnePlus 6T, you will want to customize your theme and accent colors according to your preferences.

When you're ready to change the theme and accent colors, go to Settings> Display> Theme. From there, you can choose the radio button that matches your favorite theme. Then press Accent color and choose the color you want to use, followed by D & # 39; AGREEMENT.

View the battery percentage in the status bar

Of course, the OnePlus 6T has impressive battery life, but you'll want to get a sense of how much juice you have left. Fortunately, there is an easy-to-update setting on your phone that lets you quickly see the percentage of your current battery in the status bar.

To view information about the percentage of the battery, go to Settings> Display> Status Bar and switch the cursor next to View the battery percentage. If you wish, you can also press Battery style to customize the battery icon that appears in the status bar.

Activate double support to wake up

If you do not like pressing the power button whenever you want to unlock your OnePlus 6T, you can easily set up a gesture to reactivate your phone. Double Tap to Wake does exactly what he says: It allows you to wake up the phone with a double tap on the screen.

To allow Double Tap to wake up, go to Settings> Buttons and Gestures> Fast Gestures. Switch to the slider next to Double tap to wake up While you are here, you can also activate the slider to Flip To Mute.

Quickly activate the Wizard application

Google Assistant is an invaluable feature that provides a lot of information about your day. If you use Google Assistant frequently, you'll soon realize that the feature is much more difficult to use when using the new OxygenOS navigation moves. Fortunately, OnePlus has a setting that allows you to hold down the power button to open Google Assistant.

The configuration of the feature takes only one moment. Go to Settings> Buttons and gestures and switch the cursor next to Quickly activate the Wizard application. Once the feature is enabled, simply hold down the power button to access Google Assistant. If you want to access the power button menu, you must hold the power button a little longer than usual.

Enable the battery saver

Again, we can not complain about the life of the OnePlus 6T battery. It's a lot to spend a day with some free time. However, if you tend to test the limits of your battery, you must turn on Battery Saver mode. When the battery saver is turned on, your phone's performance degrades slightly when the battery is running out of power to save a little more time.

To activate Battery Saver, go to Settings> Battery> Battery Saver. Toggle the cursor next to Automatically turn on and set the slider to the percentage at which you want Battery Saver to start working.

Show lock option

One thing is certain: the means to unlock your OnePlus 6T are not lacking. Although you may be using the Face Unlock feature or the built-in fingerprint sensor, privacy and legal issues surround it. Lock is a button you can press to disable all authentication methods other than your PIN or template. This is a feature you will want to activate.

You add the Lock button to the menu of your power button by going to Settings> Lock and Security Screen> Lock Screen Preferences, and switch to the slider next to Show lock option. Once you are done, you can press the power button to access the lock button.

Set up Smart Lock

Although Smart Lock is not an exclusive feature of the OnePlus 6T, it is one of the most practical of Android. Smart Lock allows you to define certain areas and circumstances in which your phone will be automatically unlocked. Unless you have very sensitive information on your phone, this is a feature you probably want to configure.

To set up Smart Lock, go to Settings> Security and Lock Screen> Smart Unlock. Enter your PIN or your model. Tap Detection on the body if you want the phone to stay unlocked when you have it on you. To select Trusted Places if you want to establish certain places where the phone remains unlocked. If you prefer to leave your unlocked phone near some equipment such as your laptop, press the button Trusted devices button.

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