Fallout 76 PC B.E.T.A. Includes Easy-To-Do Speed ​​Hacks for Everyone


Fallout 76 has entered another day of B.E.T.A. testing today on PC. That "Break-it Early Test Application" is living up to its name as it is more of a game-altering glitches two weeks ahead of launch.

For those who are not familiar with Fallout on PC, Fallout 4 had a notable exploit where players could move much faster in-game based on their frame rate. Fallout 76 appears to have the same problem, but this time there is more than one stake in the game.

The game's speed is tied to FPS meaning that a player who is experiencing 250 FPS will see the game running more than twice as fast as a player running the game at 60 FPS.

Players who have some tricked out gaming rigs will find themselves at an advantage when playing Fallout 76 on PC. A 2080Ti might have a player performing much better versus monsters, and what's even more dangerous to moral player, might see them out-gunning other players at Sonic-The-Hedgehog speeds.

The famous YouTuber JackFrags experienced this glitch when exploring an underground bunker. At first, he thought he had stepped into another dimension but quickly realized what was going on. You can check out his reaction below. It appears to be the most likely to increase in the field of the game, or even if you're running in the open world.

Hopefully, Bethesda does not have anything to do with it. It's one thing to play the game more smoothly, but it's another to alter the flow of time itself.

Fallout 76 will be available on November 14 for PC, Xbox One, and PS4. You can read our preview of the game here. If you want to get into the B.E.T.A. you'll have to preorder the game.

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