Check out all recent additions to Microsoft To-Do


Microsoft to do

Microsoft To-Do continues to get better and October was a pretty awesome month filled with new stuff. Whether you're a regular user or want to get involved, it can be difficult to track everything that's going on.

So here's a recap.

Microsoft has kindly gathered all the new stuff that To-Do users have recently or that we will see soon. Some features are still being deployed or have been pre-announced for a future date.

Microsoft 365 Integrations

The integration of Microsoft 365 seems to be obvious for an application like To-Do, and Outlook and Skype are both in the mix. The Skype integration is still under development, but it allows you to create tasks directly from your Skype conversations.

By selecting "create a task", a dedicated task pane will appear in which you can add, edit and mark completed, and you will be able to see everything you create in Skype and To-Do applications. Best of all, it will support all the Skype applications you use.

Microsoft has also planned some integration of tasks to be done in Outlook in November and December. In a similar way to the Skype integration, you will be able to create tasks from emails in Outlook, with a dedicated pane and the ability to simply drag and drop your emails. In the same way, you can drag tasks on your calendar to automatically block the time of your day.

Marked emails will also be added to To-Do under a dedicated list, adding some interesting productivity features in between.

Updates of the features of the application

Everyone likes dark fashions, is not it? Microsoft To-Do users on Android have received a bit of love and the latest update has added a little more refinement to the home screen widget. Dark mode on Android looks tablecloth.

For Windows users, the most important support is perhaps the most important. People using a touch screen can simply erase their tasks and the app will interpret them and add them to your lists.

On something like the new Surface Go in particular, it is an interesting feature and a very natural way to interact with the application. OneNote already has an excellent inking, and with To-Do on your tablet, you get exceptional productivity.

You can now also add importance to your tasks by setting any high priority, which will then be grouped into an important list containing all the priority tasks. The importance relates to all the lists in which you have tasks, including My Day.

Many super things

It's great to see the progress that the Microsoft To-Do application is taking not only on Windows, but on all platforms and with the broader integration in Microsoft services.

If you have a favorite feature or something you would like to see added, skip to the comments below.

See at Microsoft

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