Pokémon: let's go take us across the mountain. Moon and Celadon City


By Sato . November 2, 2018. 02:00


Nintendo shared the latest images from Pokémon: let's go during a treehouse: live presentation, where we attended a battle with Team Rocket at Mt. Moon and a look at Celadon City.

The sequence begins at Mt. Moon where we have the chance to see some of the area and an introduction to Jessie and James and Meowth from Team Rocket, followed by a battle. We will then visit Celadon City, and more, including Meltan.

Pokémon: Let's go, Pikachu! and Let's go, Eevee! released November 16, 2018 for Nintendo Switch. In case you missed it, we recently visited Lavender Town.

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