Diablo Immortal, a new RPG, announced for mobile at BlizzCon 2018


Diablo was for most of his life a franchise only on PC. Now, with Diablo III extended to consoles – including, so far, Nintendo Switch – Blizzard has his eyes riveted on what could be his most difficult adaptation of role-playing action: the mobile.

At the opening ceremony of the BlizzCon 2018, Blizzard revealed that she was developing a brand new Diablo game on mobile platforms. Blizzard says he "wants[s] to do it in a way that is true to Blizzard, giving priority to gameplay, in a way that suits Diablo. "It's described as a full-fledged action RPG that you can play everywhere with everyone.It is developed in collaboration with NetEase.A Chinese company has already contributed to the marketing of a number of games. Blizzard in China.

Diablo: Immortal tells the story between Diablo II and Diablo III, explaining in detail what happened with Tyrael, Malthael and others. A cutscene was shown with Tyrael's voice over the events that followed the destruction of the Worldstone. He talked about spreading his corruption, leading to a CG sequence where a barbarian attacks enemies in various contexts. Just when he is about to be killed, he is saved by another class of Diablo III, the wizard. After eliminating the enemy forces, they are joined by several other characters (the remaining classes of Diablo III) while Diablo emerges from a huge cloud of smoke.

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Then we were shown some short game clips. Although apparently adapted to a mobile interface (as expected), it seems to have the same style of play that we are used to since the franchise. New abilities will be available for the six classes, as well as new areas, stories and dungeons. It also offers multiplayer online mode, with many characters displayed simultaneously on the screen – we have counted at least six, which is greater than what Diablo III allows.

Diablo III was launched on PC in 2012, then on PS3 console and Xbox 360 a year later. A year later, he switched to the new generation of PS / Xbox One consoles, alongside the launch of the BlizzCon 2018. He has just launched an excellent version of Nintendo Switch.

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