The joker of Persona 5 enters the scene in the new Catherine: Full body gameplay


Fans of Persona 5 Atlus unveiled a new gameplay of the leader of the Ghost Raiders, Joker, in Catherine: full body. You can discover the gameplay by yourself below with the permission of the CrimsonFist102 user on YouTube.

The gameplay of Joker is the latest content to be presented during Studio Zero and Atlus Sheep Week. A week of the development team showing everything Catherine: complete body. We covered the multitude of ads and trailers straight out of Japan, as they were revealed.

Joker will be available as DLC of the first day for early users of Catherine: complete body. It will be playable as a separate character in the Colosseum and Babel modes. It will be accessible to all at a later date.

Both Persona 5 and Catherine share many similarities in artistic style. This makes sense since the creator of characters Shigenori Soejima has created much of the art for both titles. Both are different in regards to the gameplay, one being a traditional JRPG, the other being a puzzle game.

Catherine: full body should be released in the west of next year, but no platform has been announced. He will arrive on PS4 and PS Vita in Japan on February 14th.

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