Final design details of Samsung foldable phone look promising


It has recently been reported that Samsung was always aware of the specific design to use for its long-awaited foldable phone. That would be a bit worrisome given the delay that he would have on his schedule. The good news is that Samsung apparently made that decision last July and finalized it just in time for production to begin this month. And based on this same report, it may be the foldable phone some dream.

You might be surprised by the number of ways you could actually design a foldable phone. You can have one that folds like a book or another like a flip phone. And then, you can also choose whether the screen folds in or out, like the recent Royale FlexiPai. Samsung has apparently opted for a design that closely resembles its very first conceptual video. The device folds like a book with the screen on the inside, but with a significant change.

According to the Korean website The Bell, Samsung's first collapsible phone will actually have two screens. The main and largest will be a foldable panel of 7.3 inches. Once folded, however, a second 4.6-inch screen appears on the outside, allowing you to access the device normally, such as a phone, without having to open it. More practical, of course, but it will have a cost.

The hinge, which will be manufactured by the Korean company KH Vatec, will also be special. The special hinge will supposedly allow both sides of the flip-up panel to touch each other, while leaving a little space to reduce the risk of breaking the glass when the appliance falls off. It will also feature a gear that will allow users to fold the device at fixed angles, one of which turns it into a makeshift laptop.

Unsurprisingly, no one thinks that Samsung's first collapsible phone will be cheap. The extra screen, a supposedly bigger battery and a special hinge will certainly drive up costs. There will not be many of them either, and scarcity often makes things even more expensive than they normally would be.

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