The punctual Cube / Butterfly event from Fortnite has something magical that has never been done before

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FortniteCredit: Epic Games

Here is what happened in Fortnite big cube event yesterday, for those who missed it. The cube – already in decay – has grown considerably for its trip of several weeks. When the entire screen turned white, all the players of the royal battle found themselves translated into an alternating dimension of a dazzling white, allusions to something digital but only allusions. In the sky, we saw small glass pieces of cracks observed since season 5: they came together to form a giant butterfly that became little by little later, floating around every player stuck in the ether. The camera shot and the butterfly sits on our hands, all in concert. The screen went blank and we were still falling from the sky.

Even for Fortnite, the whole sequence was found in a very strange place. But what interests me is how it's very different from anything we've seen before in this game, and especially the launch of the Season 4 rocket, which was up until now. Now the only punctual event of the game. The launch of the rocket was really an event in the game world. It meant we had total control over our characters all the time. During the launch of the rocket, a match was unfolding: you can kill other players, you can move, watch the rocket where you want it, and each has, in some ways, their own experience of the event.

Here, things took place in a much narrower direction. As soon as the players were in the alternative dimension, they only kept a symbolic check on their characters, with only the possibility of looking around and imagining them swimming in a direction or a other. Even that has dissipated when the butterfly went down, however. It was a short and heavy moment: the game took full control and zoomed in on your character's face, the magic butterfly coming in to land on your hand. Each player saw the same thing at that moment: a kinematic in solo mode integrated into a game that I would have called a clone of PUBG.

Where the rocket launch was great, it was small. It started with the biggest show ever offered by the game, but eventually fell to its smallest. Fortnite is a fast, noisy and punchy game: it was a deliberate attempt to show something else inside its palette.

Fortnite the story never stops to amaze me. It's a kind of completely narrative plot, a succession of connected images that maintain their own inner logic while aggressively avoiding trying to make sense of it all. The meteorite crashed into the island and the visitor came out of the meteorite and the vistor launched the rocket and the rocket broke a hole in the sky and the hole in the sky spawned the cube and the cube lifted the island before transporting us to another world inhabited by an interdimensional butterfly. It seems perfectly sensible to me.

However, the story boils down to these little moments, illustrated perhaps best now by the butterfly on the hand. They are the antithesis of symbolism: they are nothing but what they are, a surrealist montage a bit like an outlet Fancy. They let me guess what will happen next, although at this point I know that it's impossible to guess.


FortniteCredit: Epic Games

Here is what happened in Fortnite big cube event yesterday, for those who missed it. The cube – already in decay – has grown considerably for its trip of several weeks. When the entire screen turned white, all the players of the royal battle found themselves translated into an alternating dimension of a dazzling white, allusions to something digital but only allusions. In the sky, we saw small glass pieces of cracks observed since season 5: they came together to form a giant butterfly that became little by little later, floating around every player stuck in the ether. The camera shot and the butterfly sits on our hands, all in concert. The screen went blank and we were still falling from the sky.

Even for Fortnite, the whole sequence was found in a very strange place. But what interests me is how it's very different from anything we've seen before in this game, and especially the launch of the Season 4 rocket, which was up until now. Now the only punctual event of the game. The launch of the rocket was really an event in the game world. It meant we had total control over our characters all the time. During the launch of the rocket, a match was unfolding: you can kill other players, you can move, watch the rocket where you want it, and each has, in some ways, their own experience of the event.

Here, things took place in a much narrower direction. As soon as the players were in the alternative dimension, they only kept a symbolic check on their characters, with only the possibility of looking around and imagining them swimming in a direction or a other. Even that has dissipated when the butterfly went down, however. It was a short and heavy moment: the game took full control and zoomed in on your character's face, the magic butterfly coming in to land on your hand. Each player saw the same thing at that moment: a kinematic in solo mode integrated into a game that I would have called a clone of PUBG.

Where the rocket launch was great, it was small. It started with the biggest show ever offered by the game, but eventually fell to its smallest. Fortnite is a fast, noisy and punchy game: it was a deliberate attempt to show something else inside its palette.

Fortnite the story never stops to amaze me. It's a kind of completely narrative plot, a succession of connected images that maintain their own inner logic while aggressively avoiding trying to make sense of it all. The meteorite crashed into the island and the visitor came out of the meteorite and the vistor launched the rocket and the rocket broke a hole in the sky and the hole in the sky spawned the cube and the cube lifted the island before transporting us to another world inhabited by an interdimensional butterfly. It seems perfectly sensible to me.

However, the story boils down to these little moments, illustrated perhaps best now by the butterfly on the hand. They are the antithesis of symbolism: they are nothing but what they are, a surrealist montage a bit like an outlet Fancy. They let me guess what will happen next, although at this point I know that it's impossible to guess.

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