A journey of love, loss and hilarious dialogue


Assassin's Creed Odyssey brings a lot of "new" to the franchise. The role-playing dialogue wheel appeared, choosing between a male or female character and selected (and seduced) romance options. Assassin & # 39; s Creed seems to be in touch with his own BioWare and just like their famous franchises such as Mass Effect and Dragon Age, Odyssey will also have resounding consequences regarding the choices made by the players.

At the beginning of the game, players can choose to attack the world of ancient Greece through the eyes of Kassandra or Alexios. For my game, I chose Kassandra, who was amazing to me as a woman in love with this series since Altair. Although we have been able to play as women in the past with derivative games and more particularly Syndicate, Odyssey was the first time that a woman was the protagonist of the game

Playing as hardened 'misthios' during the Peloponnesian War was phenomenal. Playing with the dialogue options to adapt the character to my personal taste in this world was even better. What makes Kassandra (or Alexios) so intriguing is that she was of Spartan blood, but was expelled from her family because of the Oracle of Delphi. Since her family was torn apart, Kassandra was forced to continue taking advantage of this Spartan strength to survive alone alongside a colorful fortune family of her choice – even though Markus was running her as a race lady.

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(Photo: Meeting Sokrates)

To stay true to its RPG inspiration, character construction began as early as the very first cutscene and piled on its growth with each quest. His choices matter, his answers to the world around him mattered. This is a first for the franchise and a big step forward for a series that still has a lot of potential on the horizon.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is the most important game of the franchise to date, even exceeding that of the gigantic The origins which took place in ancient Egypt. The expansion was evident because of the sheer size of the map, with every centimeter available to explore dangerous mountains, soothing beaches – even the depth of the ocean that harbored incredible marine life, including deadly sharks.

The team has done an amazing job in recreating the beauty that continues to delight history buffs to this day. The architecture, the philosophy that we can hear in the streets, the statues found everywhere, the always fluid environment – everything about this game was dynamic both in the world to explore and in the way the character went through it.

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Just with my time with the game, one of the best parts of this expansive world was that Ubisoft made players want to l & # 39; explore. Visually, it was beautiful and the meaningless quests meant something. The stories hidden in the main stories housed the characters you wanted to find, you wanted to know, and this makes the field explorable even more brilliant in what it has to offer regarding a complete player experience.

The flow of the story between the actual gameplay and cinematics was impeccable. The crossing of the different landscapes was made even more immersive by the absence of loading screens and the editing scenes offered in the game were perfectly integrated. For a story-based game, this one mechanic can make or break the story, and the Ubisoft team did it perfectly. In addition to easy transportation, the team did a fantastic job in ensuring that the movement in the game was plausible. Whether it is the use of fast travel mechanics, or the call of various montages with a quick assignment of buttons; with such a vast world, it was not a chore to explore everything he had to offer.


As a person with a deep gaming experience and an avid enthusiast of complex RPGs, the proposed side quests have nothing to do with either. Every mission, every "subordinate" quest felt like I had a reason to be and led me as a player to see Kassandra finish all that was happening on his side; to become a champion of the people. There is a wide variety of side missions available, including puzzle solving, crafting, side scenarios and even naval combat. There were so many little stories that could be overlooked if a player was pressed for time, but once finished, offered an incredibly memorable experience.

Without spoiling what the game itself has to offer, I can name 10 side quests that I will keep with me as a souvenir for a long time. This makes a memorable RPG and an exciting experience. Pair it with the background noise level that varies depending on the time of day and the environment in which the player is located. There is not only a lot to love, but also a lot to love.


There is a mini-quest in particular which, in my opinion, has been made even more hilarious by the mere fact of being Kassandra. Without revealing anything, there was a dialogue option where she could take either the path of maturity or the totally hilarious one. Of course, I chose comedy and its deliberate lowering of the voice to assume that divinity was nothing less than hysterical.

The one that I adored and that was added to the game was the ability to make novels with different characters throughout the game. That alone was pretty incredible, especially from a totally immersive point of view, but the freedom of dialogue was even better. My Kassandra was a total dog and absolutely nailed the character "Aye yo girl, lemma get yo numah". It did not work in my favor all the time, but the effort was there.

It is also important to note that all relationships in the game do not necessarily have to be a deep proclamation of love – one night is full – including a very difficult encounter, um, with an older woman whose husband could not to follow.

excited lady

My Kassandra was really a champion of the people.

But these are not all stupid shenanigans. Players can choose to choose the most heroic or divine dialogue options. For those who know BioWare well Mass Effect series, I would compare it to that of Renegade vs Paragon. You can play the compassionate hero, or the ruthless Spartan – or fly over the middle of this field and throw some hilarious monoliths for good measure.

What made Odyssey inevitably addictive is that it does not punish the players for their style of choice. Whereas previous installments set up an automatic failure system for stealth missions, Odyssey allows freedom to deal with history at any pace. The option to perform reconnaissance via the protagonists' eagle mate offered a unique way to develop a strategy for stealth movement. Or, you can simply do what I've done and go to the ham every chance you get. Whatever game style you choose, the game allows you to do exactly what is more than the previous games in the proposed series.

Like many games in recent years, there are options for buying items in the game. Whether it's a new look for your mercenary, new clever mounts or simple craft supplies when the grind gets too big; there are ways to get them. One option, and the one I chose, was simply to win the game and unlock some items with the game currency. There are some cosmetic items that are exclusive to Helix credits, which after the end of the game Initial allocation, must be purchased with money in the game. Unless you really do have your heart on a particular cosmetic item, there is really no need to spend that; most of the products available for purchase are also available to win just by playing the game. For those who really want, spend extra money – bundles are offered in exchange for Helix credits ranging from 500 HC at 7,400 HC. Note that this is not mandatory for a pleasant experience, the elements that help the gameplay can all be won.


contrary to Assassin & # 39; s Creed UnitThere were not really any gambling problems. There were some humorous … especially when I felt at the foot of the cliff once or twice (seven times), but nothing to do with some of the problems reported in the previous games of the AC series. There was also the time when I felt out of the penis of Zeus (a statue, you perv), but that's because I decided that Kassandra wanted to play a lead role in the film. Donkey TV show when I discovered that there was nothing inaccessible.

In all, Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a game change for the franchise. Visually, narratively, historically, there is nothing that I would like to change. Maybe my interior Dragon Age The lover would have loved to customize the look of my Kassandra, but it's a ridiculous little "What if" that has not spoiled my pleasure.

The story was exciting, sometimes heartbreaking, and progressive in a way that allowed me to stay engaged. Dynamic, immersive and filled with choices, consequences and the tumultuous history of human love, loss and lessons learned.

This is the game Assassin's Creed the fans deserve a truly charming experience for the players who have just entered.

WWG score: 5 out of 5

You can contact the author of this story on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy.

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