A leaky image shows a Nokia phone with 5 cameras



More cameras are better, right?

This is the house

Two rear cameras could be the new standard for flagship phonesbut it looks like Nokia manufacturer HMD could look to change that soon.

An image leaked on IT Home shows a Nokia branded phone with five camera lenses on the back. The lens manufacturer Zeiss also seems to be involved in the project because its name appears under one of the objectives.

Earlier this year, Huawei released the P20 Pro phone with the help of the manufacturer of cameras and lenses Leica, who uses three cameras on the back to produce, among other things, great low-light photos.

Reading in progress:
Look at this:

The 7 best phones with two rear cameras


The additional objectives of Nokia's leak could be used for different focal lengths in order to create an optical zoom similar to that of the company's Light starter camera with its 16 lenses L16. Light would also have worked on a prototype phone with nine rear cameras.

CNET asked Nokia to comment.

Comparison between two iPhone X and Galaxy Note 9 cameras

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